By: , about 84 days ago
Spooky Season - Clubhouse Haunt & two weeks to BOLTERCON 2024

One Hundred Percent Spooky

This is the time of year we all love to dread – BOLTERCON is looming on the horizon and also we have a clubhouse to support outside of BOLTERCON. Our amazing staff and officer corps are working around the clock (literally) to bring the doneness to the people, and that means at this point in the leafing cycle that we get all those zaambies out and really spook things up. We’re also real jumpy thinking about all the terrain and armies we have to paint, so that helps set the mood for sure.

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

Today we’re going to be covering just a couple things: the Clubhouse Haunt and how there is only two weeks to BOLTERCON 2024! !

Clubhouse Haunt

Our venerable Propaganda Enforcement and Needful Information Secretary teamed up with our Judiciar Extremis to design the haunt for the clubhouse this year. Last year it was the novelty of like 300 Pox Walkers we all painted. This year we needed more: more spice, more spook, and certainly more zombicide.

The whole idea of this year’s haunt was to collect loot, from doing things like killing zombies, and then exfiltrate them for rewards. On top of that, if the zombies kill one of your squad that model turns into a zombie – and attacks you! And the real icing on the spooky cake is that you could attack the zombies and also other players… because you want those sweet sweet Boo Dengs, right?

The event ran all day with people coming and going – taking their shot at infiltrating into the hot zone, evading zombie detection, and escaping with the coveted loot. Like a boss, our Judiciar Extremis manned the zombies (with a little help here and there) while also dropping in scarier units that would buff the zombies or just simply hit like a truck!

After a long and hard fought day, we have our winners who absconded with loot and went all in to amass their Boo Deng collections (but didn’t die like everyone else):

  1. 12 Boo Dengs – Grant
  2. 5 Boo Dengs – Max
  3. 4 Boo Dengs – Mike K.

And like all Bolters at Dawn events, we have to have those sweet sweet honorable mentions:

  1. Most Likely To Get The Attention of a Greater Daemon of Nurge – Brad (Warmaster Actual)
  2. More of a Danger to Himself – Gavin (Czar of Occasional Corrections and Knowledgeable Stances)

Big thank you to all who attended and made the clubhouse haunt such a great time. Make sure to let our Judiciar Extremis and Propaganda Enforcement and Needful Information Secretary know your thoughts on the event, how much you appreciate their efforts, and what other fun stuff you’d like to see us run in the literal best clubhouse!

Two Weeks To BOLTERCON 2024


Ok, now that I got that out, we can continue. BOLTERCON 2024 is only two short short weeks away. The various sections of our BOLTERCON 2024 Player Packet, including our completely sold out 50 person Warhammer 40k GT and 24-person Age of Sigmar GT (WOWOWOW) , are being fleshed out with all those spicy details. When do I need to submit my list? Player Packet. How are missions going to work? Player Packet. Who should I contact about my model proxy? Player Packet. Noticing a pattern? Ok good. Also, Player Packet.

If you are registered and signed up for events, you should be getting emails from us via our ticketing provider’s (RegFox) messaging platform. This has a non-zero chance of ending up in your spam box, so please check and make sure you’re seeing those timely and demure emails about all the stuff you have to do. And, in case you haven’t realized, it needs to be done in the next two weeks & is likely described in the BOLTERCON 2024 Player Packet.

Besides getting your army (do you want to help paint terrain???) ready, I hope you’re getting those reps in and have a plan. Because Albert sure does.

Did you know that the number of Pox Walkers we have is basically the number of hours between now and BOLTERCON 2024? Wild.