By: , about 542 days ago
Announcing BOLTERCON 2023!


Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

After a ton of collaborative work (yelling), we have ironed out the events for BOLTERCON this year. Like last year, we will have a large space at the Centre Park of West Chester’s glorious event halls. We’re keeping things solidly hype from Thursday November 2nd through Sunday November 5th, so make sure to book those rooms at the hotel so you can conveniently stroll around and roll dice until your hands fall off.

The Schedule and More

Quick hits for events:

  1. Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament
  2. Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol RTT
  3. Age of Sigmar RTT
  4. A Horus Heresy Event: Battle for Cypra Mundi
  5. The Crucible: An Age of Sigmar Narrative Event
  6. Kill Team: Escape from Damnation

Our cadre of Bolters at Dawn staff and officers will be coordinating these events and more, so please head on over to our BOLTERCON site for more details:

BOLTERCON 2023 Hype Train

What you will find on the BOLTERCON site includes more details about the convention and individual events along with links to buy tickets and to our player packet. For maximum efficiency, those links are also below:

BOLTERCON 2023 Player Packet

BOLTERCON 2023 Tickets

It’s been a busy year so far, but we are just getting started! Our 2023 narrative campaigns are drawing to their conclusions, events are popping in the clubhouse, and here comes November. For the un-initiated, BOLTERCON is a welcoming event for all those wanting a place to maximize the values of Bolters at Dawn: dope armies, incredible terrain, fun matches, and unparalleled sportsmanship. Prizes abound, but the real prize is all the time we have together!

Spread The Word

With all the swirling tasks, we have been known to lose track of making sure to get the news spread far and wide about BOLTERCON. That’s where you, the Bolters at Dawn community, can make a big impact! Get out there and tell your friends (and enemies, but only the fun ones) about the events we are putting together. We’re dabbling in all kinds of new tabletop systems to gauge not only how fun the games are but also how much interest there is in them.

Get those tix, distribute the hype, and we will rage as one against the fading time we have left to hobby up all this dope stuff.

There may be more side events and things going on (fireside chats about American democracy before 1789, Warcry, other stuff???), so keep abreast of the latest details in our Discord !