The Invitational event is about having as much fun as possible during a Warhammer 40k tournament. We emphasize sportsmanship, hobbying, and being competitive in that order. This is still a tournament so be aware that a meta still exists and your army will need the tools to counter it. Tough, friendly games with incredible hobby on display! While the 40k singles' tournament is the main event, we have a few other activities in the works!

24 Players
12 Tables
?? Awards
1 Albert
9,855 Beers
3 Days

Gaming Hall Open

The Bolters at Dawn staff will open things up for those looking to hang out, set up, and free play.

Find games at any point throughout the day with other players and spectators.

Early Registration

The actual registration will be on Saturday morning, but if you're around and want to skip the early rise please come on down and get it over with!

Swag bags and other goodies will be available.

Painting Competition

There will be two painting awards: Best Painted Army and Best Painted Model. Only units in your competition list are eligible for either award.

Starting at the appointed time, players who want to participate will have their army on display with an identifier. Judges will first browse and decide their vote for Best Painted Army. After 1 hour, the participants will select their model for the Best Painted Model award and relocate that model to the appointed space. Judges will then have 1 hour to cast their vote for Best Painted Model.

Judging details are in progress and will be announced when completed.

Winners will be announced during the Sunday closing ceremonies.

Open Play

Pretty much anything goes!


Check in and be counted!

Once we confirm your registration, you'll get swag, helpful printed materials, and a firm handshake.

40k Tournament Game 1

Are you ready for randomness to make or break your whole weekend?

Break - Lunch

There are many options for food, both inside and outside the hotel.

We'll cover the hotel policies for bringing food and beverage into the hall in our player packets.

40k Tournament Game 2

Did you bring AdMech or GK?

Break - Dinner

There are many options for food, both inside and outside the hotel.

We'll cover the hotel policies for bringing food and beverage into the hall in our player packets.

You should also check that hydration level and get those numbers up.

40k Tournament Game 3

At this point, are you despondent or optimistic?

Open Play

No description required or allowed in the state of Ohio.

Gaming Hall Closes

Hotel security will lock the hall for the night

Welness check

Headcount for the final set of games.

So you forgot how many games you lost. That's fine, literally everyone will remind you. Pairings announced and off we go.

I don't have a hangover, you have a hangover.

40k Tournament Game 4

You slept so well last night this will definitely feel good.

Break - Hydration

There are many options for food, both inside and outside the hotel.

We'll cover the hotel policies for bringing food and beverage into the hall in our player packets.

You should also check that hydration level and get those numbers up.

40k Tournament Game 5


Break - Cooldown

Because everyone has been so very restrained, please cut loose and grab one beer.

Closing Ceremony


Get access to all the things you need from the Invitational 2021!

Note: access to the gaming hall will be restricted to ticket-holding players and spectators during tournament play and breaks in tournament play. Additionally, participating in all other events will be limited to ticket holders. Non-ticket holders are welcome to hang out Friday evening during open play, Saturday evening after tournament play, and during the closing ceremonies.

$ 65

  • Swag Bag
  • Spot in 40k singles tournament
  • Opportunity to win awards
  • Admiration of players and spectators

$ 30

  • Swag Bag
  • Participate in events
  • Access to gaming hall
  • Chance to see people play 40k

Venue info

Group rate for rooms B2D


Centre Park of West Chester
5800 Muhlhauser Rd
West Chester Township, Ohio

(513) 874-2744