February 2025 Hobby Goals

Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
{{ goal.alias }} {{ goal.progress }} {{ goal.consecutive }}
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Hobby Goals Rules

Previous Hobby Goals


January 2025

  • 12
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Kyle K finish boar chariot
finish 2 goblin bosses on doggo
finish 2 savage bosses
finish savage shaman
100 49
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint

6 rat ogers
brood terror

War boss on boar
Weird boy on boar
High elf prince
100 48
@Christian Paint 4 Skaven Blood Bowl
Build 4 Castellax
Build 6 Thallax
100 34
@solofiredfirst paint Behemond Beastslayer, build and prime 3x Knights of the Realm 33 29
@inkskull finish painting yndrasta, finish painting and basing Lord Terminos (plus intern), paint and base 6 prosecutors 100 26
@Turtle Corpse paint blood bowl tokens
finish 2 PHR walkers
finish PHR hades scorpion
finish 1 liche priest
100 26
@Kororuk 10 legionares painted and based. 0 25
@TeslaJr BR some (6) smol knights, paint up 6 cthulu investigators, Prime tk chariots 100 25
@Enderverse Build and magnetize Knight Acheron 0 24
@PurpleMossClump Build Kavalos Deathriders
Build Slann Starmaster
Build Akhelian Guard
Build Slaanesh Spearhead
Build DoK Manifestations
100 21
@Queen City Guard - (John) Paint 30 Trench Pilgrim Models, finish trench board assembly & base coat trench board. 100 19
@Cameron Kahrs Paint to completion on test model standards (minus decals) Battletech Ilclan pirate force:
1) Longbow
2) Axman
3) Hatchetman
4) Raider RAC
5) Raider MRM
6) Heavy LRM Carrier x3
7) Warrior H-7 VTOL
8) Fulcrum Heavy Hovertank
9) Ravager Battle Armor x2
10) ISS Battle Armor
11) Manatee Dropship
100 8
@GypsyDanger -Build and Paint Nagash for Akron Brew Brawl
-Build Ghoul king
-paint 5 assault marines.
-Build SOS tank
0 6
@CrossfaceDave (Dave) 20 - Green Knight is done 100 1
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 15 Wrathmongers
Paint 1 Realmgore Ritualist
80 1
@pelota (Phil) Prime 5 chaos chosen (40k)
Parade ready 5 legionaires (decals, washes, scripture)
Prime 10 Chosen (AOS)
Rebase 10 Chaos Warriors (AOS)
Build and prime 1 Trench Crusade Model
60 1
@Taylor, the Gnoble Gnoblar Build and paint realmshaper engine
Build and paint Krondspine
Paint bloodbowl tokens
Build Slann
Build 8 Saurus Knights
Paint 2 Battletech Mechs
100 1
@Dave Build and paint 1 Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen, and 3 Varanguard. 0 0
@Ed Assemble 30 Longbeards
Finish final details and decals on Blood Bowl team
100 0
@Hodgepodge battle ready 3 skywardens
battle ready 10 arkanauts
battle ready arkanaut skyship crew members
assemble 20 dark angels breachers
battle ready 10 dark angels breachers
assemble land raider proteus
20 0
@Peter finish 5 hearthguard
convert build prime & battle ready 3 β€œbikers” for delve
prime & battle ready triarch stalker
battle ready t. rex and pilot
0 0

December 2024

  • 16
  • 7
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Kyle K finish 30 goblins with heand weapon and shield
finish 10 night goblins with short bows
finish 10 night goblins with hand weapon and sheild
finish 5 goblins with spear and shield
finish 5 goblins with short bows
100 48
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint 5 rat ogors
Paint master moulder
Paint gnawholes
100 47
@Christian Paint Death Star and Star Destroyer
Paint 5 Skaven Blood Bowl Players
Build remaining Tech Thralls
Paint Jetbike Plasma Cannons
100 33
@solofiredfirst build and prime 1x Lord w/ Lance on Warhorse & 6x Pegasus Knights 100 28
@inkskull -Finish painting & base: 6 goblin bruisers, 6 black orcs, 1 varag ghoulchewer
-Build: 5x Vigilors
-Paint the base for Yndrasta
100 25
@Turtle Corpse finish painted skaven team's bases
build and prime skaven star player
finish 6 skellie archers
100 25
@Kororuk base and paint 4 legionares/chosen, 1 Master of Possession and 1 wardog. 100 24
@TeslaJr BR reaver titan, build 3 tk chariots, prime a sprue of tiny marines 100 24
@PurpleMossClump Paint 10 zombies
Paint Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon
100 20
@Queen City Guard - (John) Paint 1 Skaven Blitzer
Paint 1 Skaven Thrower
Paint 1 Gutter Runner
Paint 5 Snotling Linemen
Paint 4 Goblin Linemen
Paint 1 Troll
Paint 1 Snotling Apothecary
Paint BB Gubbins
Finish Trench Crusade bases
Finish 1 x Trench Crusade Test Model
100 18
@Cameron Kahrs Warhammer
Build and prime yellow:
1) 1 firestrike servo turret
2) 1 hammerfall bunker
3) 3 aggressors
4) 3 eradicators
5) 3 inceptors
6) 1 gravis captain
7) 5 heavy gravis intercessors

3D print and prime:
8) alpine terrain
9) alpine trees
10) grasslands trees
100 7
@GypsyDanger (1) Paint Terrorgoose
(2) Paint Abhorrent Pope
(3) Assemble Corpsemare Stampede
(4) Assemble 5 Assault marines.
100 5
@Peter paint 10 warriors, 5 hearthguard, 1 kahl, and 1 sagitaur for the Void Hawks 0 3
@Crasham Paint Chaos Dwarf Team (14 minis)
Paint Sagittare Mech
Build 25 Skinks
Build Bastilodon
Build 6 Terradons
100 0
@CrossfaceDave (Dave) - paint and battle ready 3 LI Warhound Titans
- paint and battle ready 6 OW Bretonia Pegasus Knights
100 0
@Dave 1.) build 1 model
2.) paint 1 model
0 0
@Drewcifer 1. Convert/build Khemri Bloodbowl Team (6 lineskeletons, 4 tomb guardians, 2 throw-ra, 2 blitz-ra).
2. Paint Khemri Bloodbowl Team starting lineup. (4TG, 2TR, 2BR, 3LS).
3. Choose a Faction for Trench Crusade (It's Black Grail). Source minis for starting group. (1 plague knight, 2 corpse guard, 4 grail thralls, 1 grail hound).
4. Assemble (Print/Convert/Kitbash) trench crusade team.
5. Play Trench Crusade once.
6. Paint trench crusade starting squad (1PK, 2CG, 4GT, 1GH).
0 0
@dynnslayer Battle ready 10 legionnaires
Battle ready 1 chaos Lord
Battle ready blood bowl team
100 0
@Ed assemble all longbears I own. 0 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Finish painting Skull Reapers (10)
Paint Claws of Karanak (8)
Paint Judgements of Khorne Invocations (3)
100 0
@GoldenSupreme Build titan battle group
Paint 3 deathshroud terminators
0 0
@Hodgepodge 1. assemble KO spearhead
2. play spearhead game
3. test paint 1 dark angels breacher
4. decide if I'm going to play bloodbowl league (and assemble and prime the team)
0 0
@Nate Paint 10 halflings, two Altern Forest Treeman, Deeproot Strongbranch, Cindy Piewhistle, and Rumbelow Sheepskin, plus the dugout, for the blood bowl team "The Fumblebees" 0 0
@pelota (Phil) -finish building and converting 15 legionaires
-prime 15 legionaires
-paint battle ready and base 5 warp talons
-paint and battle ready 10 legionaires
-paint and battle ready 1 chaos lord
100 0

November 2024

  • 12
  • 1
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Kyle K repair and touch up boltercon orks
finish black orc bigboss
finish at least one model that is *not* for an ork, orc, or goblin army
100 47
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint killaboss on foot
Paint test rat ogor for skaven.
100 46
@Christian Paint IH Contemptor Dreadnought
Paint Rat Ogre for Blood Bowl
100 32
@solofiredfirst paint 8x thralls and 5x vampires for The Thirsty Thrashers 100 27
@inkskull finish painting terrain board for Boltercon, build orc team for Bloodbowl 100 24
@Turtle Corpse Finish all models for boltercon old world event

Evade and survive bolteron room raiders
100 24
@TeslaJr battle ready the bone dragon, battle ready 9 tac marines 100 23
@PurpleMossClump Paint 20 skinks
Paint 3 Kroxigors
100 19
@Queen City Guard - (John) paint Impulsor and Land Raider to Parade ready standard 100 17
@Cameron Kahrs 1) paint new terrain set before Boltercon
2) finish painting the Warhound titan
100 6
@GypsyDanger Paint PAPA USH! 100 4
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 10 Assault Marines
Paint Dominion Zephon
Airbrush skin for Skarbrand
Build, Prime and Airbrush skin for BT of Insensate Rage
Airbrush skin for 10 Flesh Hounds
50 3
@Peter finalize and endopify lists for boltercon 30k and 40k (highlights, unify basing, etc.)
battle ready:
night scythe
6x scarabs
2x plasmacyte
10 berzerkers
3 kroxigor
100 2

October 2024

  • 16
  • 4
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Kyle K finish 3 nasty skulkers
finish 2 goblin bosses
finish goblin BSB
finish crane tank piece
100 46
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint
- 6 thallax
- 1 thanatar
- 1 archmagos
100 45
@Kororuk base and paint 10 Terminators. 100 36
@Christian Paint Chaplain in Gorgon Armor
Paint Herald in Gorgon Armor
Build Predator Support Tank
100 31
@solofiredfirst paint 21 Bretonnian Men at Arms for Baron Letard of Parravon, paint 3 Pegasus Knights 100 26
@inkskull complete airbrushing and drybrushing basecoats on all 8 pieces of terrain 100 23
@Turtle Corpse Finish blood bowl box team
Finish necrosphinx
Finish 10 warriors
Finish 2 tomb king characters
20 24
@TeslaJr BR 20 skeleton warriors, 16 Archers and 10 cavalry 100 22
@PurpleMossClump Paint necromantic horrors BB team 100 18
@Queen City Guard - (John) Paint to parade ready
10x DC with Jump Pack
20x DC marines on foot
10x DC marines with Bolt Rifles
1 x Astorath the Grim
1 x DC Capt with Jump Pack
1 x DC Capt on foot
1 x Chaplain on foot
100 16
@Cameron Kahrs 1) print out and laminate all BattleTech sheets for Boltercon. Gather all needed dice and materials for the event and organize.
4) print all of the 40k pariah nexus terrain (8 pieces remaining)
6) get all the tokens painted and items ready for the Poorhammer Horde Mode
100 5
@GypsyDanger Paint 5 crypt Gaurd
Paint 3 Horrors
Paint Marrowscroll herald
Paint 3 Morbheg Knights
Paint aetherwrought manifestations
100 3
@dynnslayer 10 chosen battle ready
5 legionnaires battle ready
Dark commune battle ready
100 2
@EonFenrir (Devon) Finish painting Mawpit
Paint Timeworn Ruins
Finish painting blood bowl team and extras (8 ogors, 12 gnoblars, apothecary, and tokens)
100 2
@Peter build, prime, battle ready
20 necron warrior
6 skorpekhs
2 doomstalkers
1 monolith
100 1
@Albert Fully paint 1 Screamer-Killer
Clear coat and finish basing 1 Pyrovore & 1 Norn Emissary
100 0
@Nate Paint 14 shambling undead for Blood Bowl, battle ready by Bolter Bowl day 100 0
@Ed Finish Blood Bowl Team
Finish 1,000pts for Old World
0 0
@Hodgepodge Battle ready 3x10 lasrifle sections
Battle ready 1x5 lasrifle command section
Battle ready 2x Leviathan launch box tyranids halves
Battle ready tyrannofex
Battle ready 2 rhinos
0 0
@TheTinker13 - paint and base blackstar
- build 20 arbites
- build inquisitorial agents
0 0

September 2024

  • 15
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Kyle K finish 19 rock thingys
finish 5 boarboyz
finsih 3 fanatics
finish big mek
100 45
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint

Mushroom and forest boards.
100 44
@Kororuk paint and base 1 Chaos Lord and a Predator Destructor. 100 35
@Turtle Corpse Finish skaven models for blood bowl (box and star player) including tokens
Finish a 20 block of tomb guard
Base coat and gloss tomb sphinx
60 32
@Christian Paint 10 tactical marines
Magnetize 3 predator sponsons
Build 6 Thallax
100 30
@solofiredfirst paint 6 mounted knights of the realm for Baron Letard of Parravon 100 25
@Mornhaven paint and base 10 Beast Snagga Boys 0 24
@inkskull construct the "bases" for 8 pieces of Sigmar table terrain; fully prime all pieces 100 22
@TeslaJr Golden bolter 5 man cataphractii squad
prime the high priest, tomb prince, 16 skeleton cavalry, 20 skeleton warriors
build 16 skeleton archers
100 21
@PurpleMossClump Paint 3 Morrsarr guard
Paint 20 Mortek guard
Paint 5 Kavalos deathriders
Paint Gothizzar Harvester
Paint Mortisan Soulreaper
100 17
@Queen City Guard - (John) Assemble, prime & base: 15 Death Company marines with Jump Packs
10 Death Company marines with Bolt Rifles
10 Death Company marines on Foot (assault)
2 Death Company Dreads
1 Death Company Captain with Jump pack
1 Death Company Captain on Foot
1 Lemartes
1 Astorath
100 15
@Cameron Kahrs Paint warhound titan 4 weapon options and both shin plates 100 4
@vee Battle Ready

* morkanaut
* gorkanaut
* 3x mek
0 4
@GypsyDanger Paint:
3 Horrors
3 Morbheg Knights
5 Cryptgaurd
Cadaverous Barricade
100 2
@dynnslayer Battle ready legionnaires 15
Battle ready maulerfiend 1
Battle ready warpsmith 1
Battle ready sorcerer 1
Battle ready master of possession 1
Battle ready master of execution 1
100 1
@EonFenrir (Devon) Finish Painting Enchanted Forest Terrain
Paint Scrapscuttle Cauldron
Build 80 grots
100 1
@Hause prime all Dropverse models
test and finalize paint scheme
0 1
@Crasham build 20 skeletons 0 0
@Ed Dwarf BB Team finished 0 0
@JoeB - Rogal dorn 100%
- Dark Elf Blood Bowl team 100%
0 0
@Jon Paint Thanquol on Boneripper
Paint 40 clan rats
Paint 6 warplock jezzails
0 0
@Lance Build and paint on squad of Heavy Intercessors. 100 0
@Peter battle ready 6 canoptek wraiths
build & prime 3000 point horus heresy list w/ allied detachment
100 0

August 2024

  • 16
  • 6
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build and magnetize Knight Acheron
Prime Knight Acheron
Completely Paint Knight Acheron
Base Knight Acheron
0 48
@Kyle K finish 25 spear goblins
finish goblin shaman
finish orc shaman
100 44
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S marshcrawla sloggoth 100 43
@Kororuk paint and base 10 Fellgor Ravagers. 100 34
@Turtle Corpse Finish swamp board for fantasy
Finish dropzone terrain
Finish one farmhouse
100 31
@Christian Paint 3 Javelins 100 29
@solofiredfirst Finish 6 Knights of the Realm for Baron Letard of Parravon (no bases) 100 24
@inkskull paint 1 wolfhound mech, 1 dervish mech; build and paint 4 farm plots; paint a test piece of AoS terrain for GT board 100 21
@TeslaJr battle ready 10 Phalanx Warders 100 20
@PurpleMossClump Paint Primal Energy manifestation
Paint 3 Morbheg Knights
Paint 10 Cryptguard
Paint 20 Crypt Ghouls
100 16
@Queen City Guard - (John) Paint 20 man Rifel Section. Paint 5 man Command Section and Paint 10 man Veteran all for Solar Aux to Parade Ready standards. 100 14
@Cameron Kahrs Complete my new office and painting area in the new house

Paint 7 more jade falcon clan mechs for the Battletech event at Boltercon!
100 3
@vee battle ready stompa 100 3
@Crasham Build 20 skeletons
Paint a second unit of 9 Hessians
Touchup currently painted Hessians
0 1
@GypsyDanger text

Finish painting 10 cryptgaurd.
Assemble marrow scroll herald
Assemble gorewarden
Assemble 6 horrors
Assemble Cadaverous Barricade
100 1
@JoeB - shadow/bane/storm-sword
- finish UCM starter fleet
- NLP 101 homework model #2
99 1
@dynnslayer battle ready 30 chaos cultists, battle ready 2 land raiders, market ready 1 chaos rhino 100 0
@Ed Paint Dwarf Blood Bowl Team
Finish Assembly of Warriors of Chaos shop army
Finish 10 Hammerers
Finish King with shield homies
0 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 1k Shaltari
Finished painting Forest Ruins terrain
Prime Enchanted Forest terrain
Build Dominion Zephon
Build 10 tact marines
100 0
@Hause build dropfleet shaltari battlefleet box
build dropzone shaltari starter army box
build dropfleet shaltari battleship (gold or silver)
build dropfleet shaltari battleship (diamond or platinum
build dropfleet shaltari dreadnought (uranium or plutonium)
build dropzone shaltari strider armour box
100 0
@Hodgepodge Paint shadowsword 0 0
@Peter complete exodus, legion vigilator, 5 recon marines, and 5 more tacs for 2 squads 0 0

July 2024

  • 15
  • 6
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Completely paint and base Cerastus Knight Castigator
Paint and base 5 new Deathwing Knights
Build Belial, Grand Master of Deathwing
100 47
@Kyle K Finish 20 spear orcs
Finish spear thrower
Finish deff dredd for golden bolter
100 43
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint killaboss on ?

Paint 1k of ucm dropzone
1 wolf lav
1 raven
4x legionaries
1 x bear apc
6x rapiers
6x sabres
1x broadsword
5x condor dropships
100 42
@Kororuk paint and base 1 Chaos Lord, 2 Death guard Champions and 1 Cultist Firebrand. 100 33
@Turtle Corpse finish all base coated dropverse models
finish mhara gal for golden bolter
100 30
@Christian paint Leviathan Dreadnought 100 28
@Mornhaven Paint and base 10 Boyz
Paint and base 10 Beast Snagga Boyz
0 26
@solofiredfirst Finish 6 Knights of the Realm for Baron Letard of Parravon (no bases) 0 24
@inkskull paint and base 1 SCE chariot & 3 annihilators 100 20
@TeslaJr battleready a squad of 16 skeleton archers, complete 20 standalone shields for the skeletons, prime and yellow 10 phalanx warders 100 19
@PurpleMossClump Paint Leviadon
Paint 2nd half of Idoneth Terrain piece
Build and paint Arachnarok spider
100 15
@Queen City Guard - (John) 2 x Solar Aux Medusa/Basilisk to Parade Ready. 10xReivers, 3xEliminators, 3x Suppressors, 1x Kayvaan Shrike to Parade Ready. Finish Zone Mortalis Terrain Pack with base color and weathering. 100 13
@Cameron Kahrs paint one nemesis dreadknight and complete my 2000pt grey knight army! 100 2
@vee Assemble the hull of a stompa with an internal flask and tap 100 2
@Peter Knight- golden bolter
battle ready:
5x melta marine
5x flamer marine
10x tartaros terminators
0 1
@Crasham Bastilodon for Golden Bolter
Finish 10 saurus warriors
Paint 9 Hessians for the 7th
100 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint Tomahawk Tanks
Paint Ocelot
Paint 3 units of Braves
Paint Daimyo
Paint 3 Eden Gates
Paint Skullcrushers
Paint Blood Thirster for golden bolter
40 0
@GypsyDanger 1. Paint Wolf Kin of Russ for GB.
2. Update/snowify Russ's base.
3. Paint MOS
4. Prime/Base coat command Squad.
100 0
@Hodgepodge 1. Aethon heavy sentinel for golden bolter
2. 1 20count lasrifle section to battle ready
3. 3 sabre strike tanks to battle ready
4. 1 rhino to battle ready
5. Mentally prepare to paint a shadowsword for the next golden bolter
20 0
@JoeB golden bolter
paint one NLP 101 homework model
assemble UCM Dropfleet starter box
100 0
@Jon Battle ready brutalis dreadnaught
Battle ready deathwing knights x15
Battle ready jump pack intercessors x10
Battle ready land raider redeemer
Battle ready heart guard berserkers x 5
Battle ready grimwrath berserker
0 0

June 2024

  • 14
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse build 5 Deathwing Knights
Paint 10 Deathwing Knights
100 46
@solofiredfirst make 18x Bolter Base (name WIP) magnetic miniature panting holders, build and prime Vampire Blood Bowl Team, paint 6x Knights of the Realm for Baron Letard of Parravon (no bases) 69 44
@Kyle K finish 14 boarboyz
finish warboss on boar
finish warboss with great weapon
100 42
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint ucm test minis

Paint scourge test minis
100 41
@Kororuk complete 17 Plague Marines 100 32
@Turtle Corpse Finish 6 light infantry
Finish arquitor bombard
Base coat PHR models
100 29
@Christian Build 1 Leviathan (excluding arms)
Prime Chaplain and Herald
100 27
@Mornhaven Paint and base 10 Boyz
Paint and base 10 Gretchen+ Runtherder
100 25
@inkskull Build and paint: 12 indian braves, 1 indian leader, 1 british artillery crew, 1 artillery leader, 1 mounted leader
Finish painting 2 French brigs, 6 British brigs
100 19
@TeslaJr build 20 skeleton warriors, battle ready Fafnir Rann 100 18
@PurpleMossClump Paint 10 Namarti Reavers
Build and paint Akhelian Allopex
Paint Akhelian Thrallmaster
Paint Akhelian King
100 14
@Queen City Guard - (John) 2HH Leman Russ to Parade Ready. 10 Scout Marines parade ready. Ready. Phobos Lt. Parade Ready. Phobos Librarian Parade Ready. 100 12
@Eyeodine β€’ Battle Ready 10 Infernus Marines
β€’ Battle Ready one Night Lords test Model
β€’ Battle Ready one Repulsor
90 7
@Crasham Paint 10 Saurus Warriors
Build and Prime 30 Hessians
Paint 8 of those Hessians
33 3
@SuddenlyBears paint thanatar siege automata
paint domitar battle automata
assemble 3! nighthaunt models for testing.
0 2
@Cameron Kahrs Paint one Grey knights Stormhawk interceptor 100 1
@pelota (Phil) prime 10 tacticals and 5 destroyers, paint 10 tacticals battle ready, paint two apothecary’s battle ready, paint 5 legionaires 0 1
@vee Battle Ready 14 Lootas 100 1
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 500 pts of Dropzone
Finish Ruins table
40 0
@GoldenSupreme Build all models from the Astartes battle group box
Build 5 inner circle knights cenobium
0 0
@Jon Battle Ready
1x Grimhold Exile
1x Gladiator Lancer
1x Judiciar
3x Bladeguard Veterans
55 0
@Mett Droid Kitbash and paint 1 Proof of Concept Vanari Sentinel of Har Kuron
Kitbash and paint 1 Ydrilan warden turned Black Ark Corsair
0 0
@Peter Battle ready:
10x Tactical Squad
10x Tactical Squad
5x Melta Support Squad
5x Flamer Support Squad
Contemptor Dreadnought
Deredeo Dreadnought (no base)
5x Lernaean Terminator
6x Knights Cenobium
Land Raider Spartan
Land Raider Proteus
100 0

May 2024

  • 18
  • 7
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Paint 3 Sydonian Dragoons
Build 6 Kataphron Breachers
100 45
@solofiredfirst Assemble and prime:
1x Lord of Bretonnia on Royal Pegasus
12x Bretonnian Knights of the Realm
36x Bretonnian Men at Arms
24x Bretonnian Peasant Bowmen
3x Bretonnian Pegasus Knights
100 43
@Kyle K Finish 15 two hand weapon boyz
Finish boar chariot
Finish 14 common goblin archers
Finish 4 more arrer boyz
100 41
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint bobokai necromancer
Paint 20 bobokai wardens

Paint hestan/praetor kitbash.
Paint 9 addherants
Paint 10 pyroclasts
100 40
@Kororuk complete 10 Chaos Warriors 100 31
@Turtle Corpse battle ready border patrol force

finish musket terrain

base coat arquitar bombard
100 28
@Christian Prime 3 Javelins
Prime 10 Tactical Marines
Build Herald in Gorgon Terminator Armor
Add transfers to Praetor in Cataphractii Armor
100 26
@Mornhaven build gorkanaut
Paint and base 3 Von Ryan Leapers
Paint and base 1 winged tyranid prime
100 24
@inkskull finish painting 8 Van Saar gangers; paint and base 9 vindictors; finish painting knight arcanum; fight for God and King against Alex's ungrateful colonists 100 18
@TeslaJr Prime, Base, and Battle Ready (TM) 4 LI Dreads
Battle Ready a sicaran tank for HH
Prime 16 Skeleton Archers for TOW
100 17
@PurpleMossClump Paint 10 Namarti Thralls
Paint 3 Ishlaen Guard
Paint Isharann Souldrender
100 13
@Queen City Guard - (John) 10 Tartoros Terminators, parade ready, 10 Sternguard Veteran to parade ready. 1 Librarian Terminator (40K), 1 Terminator Captain (40K). 3 Leman Russ complete base coats, 2 Malcador, complete base coat, 1 Dracosin transport complete basecoat 100 11
@Eyeodine - Battle ready Inquisitor Greyfax for Saturday

- build and prime a box of terminators

- build, prime, (and sub assemble) night nerds kill team

Battle ready terminator chaplain
100 6
@Crasham Paint Troglodon
Paint Oldblood on Foot
Paint Skink Starseer
Paint Terradon Chief
Build, Prime and Paint Astroloth Bearer
100 2
@Hodgepodge 1. Establish new hobby space
2. Align hobby chakras,maximize feng shui for painting, appease machine spirits of hobby equipment
3. Assemble solar aux rifle section, line command section, lifeguards, tactical command section
33 1
@Jon 5x Hearthguard Berzermers battle ready
1x Gottrek Gurnison - Battle Ready
1x BattleSmith - Battle Ready
20x Vulkite Berzerkers - Battle Ready
5x Hearthguard Berzerkers Assembled and Primed
80 1
@SuddenlyBears paint cawl for doubles event
Assemble thanatar siege automata
finish white scars character
100 1
@Cameron Kahrs Paint a GK Venereable Dreadnought
Paint a Nemesis Dreadknight
Build/kitbash a GK Techmarine from a Primaris Techmarine
100 0
@Ed Confirm terrain for Nachmund board, assemble any additional terrain pieces, cut mat, prime terrain 0 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Finish painting walls (2)
Paint 24 Squig Herd
Paint 2 Madcap Shamans
50 0
@Hause build mandrake kill team
build 10 red hands destroyers
0 0
@Mett Droid Paint first 10 Athonians
Build 5 Athonian House Collegiate Command Squad
Paint first 10 Darkoath
31 0
@pelota (Phil) build 20 tacticals, prime 20 tacticals, paint 10 tacticals battle ready, build 5 destroyers, finish painting and basing 10 scouts 100 0
@Stryper Hugh 6x Crypt Horrors Battle Ready
6x Crypt Flayers Battle Ready
1x Abhorrent Archregent Battle Ready
1x Ushoran Battle Ready
0 0
@vee 10 Gretchen battleready and 5 lootas assembled 100 0

April 2024

  • 17
  • 11
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Add transfers and weather Knight Dominus
Build, Pose and Prime Knight Castigator
100 44
@solofiredfirst paint 10x Wolf Guard Terminators, 2x Boxnaughts, 1x Logan Grimnar on foot 100 42
@Kyle K finish 15 black orcs with great weapons
finish warboss
repair ork town terrain
100 40
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint 12 palace guard
Paint 1 palace guard captain
Paint test model for 30k salamanders
Build and Prime all 3k of 30k salamanders
100 39
@Kororuk Assemble and paint Blood bowl team Doomlords and Accessories. 100 30
@Turtle Corpse Finish battle of greenrock force
Build and paint one blockhouse terrain piece
100 27
@Christian Paint 2 dreadclaws
Blend transfers in on 4 Land Speeders, 10 Cataphractii, 3 Rhinos, 2 Predators, and Spartan
100 25
@Mornhaven Build 10 Beast Snagga Orks, 1 Beastboss, 1 Battlewagon, 3 Meganobs
Paint and base 6 Raveners
100 23
@inkskull finish law-abiding, tax-paying forces for Battle of Greenrock (24 infantry, 4 light infantry and 3 officers); 100 17
@TeslaJr battle ready a land raider tank, assemble 4 Imperialis scale dreads 100 16
@PurpleMossClump Build and paint Knight Rampager
Repaint 15 Chainrasps
Repaint 10 Grimghast Reapers
Repaint Guardian of Souls
Paint IF Chaplain
100 12
@Queen City Guard - (John) Assemble and prime 25 SA, 1 Dracosin and 2 Malcadors.

Paint Necron Board terrain.

Paint 10 Leviathan terminators.

Paint 1 Praetor
100 10
@Lance Build and Paint one Ballistus Dreadnought. 0 6
@Eyeodine Parade Ready
- 3 Inceptors
- 6 Bladeguard Vets
- 5 Scouts
100 5
@Peter paint 1000 points of dark angel-aligned knights
finish 10 berzerkers
paint grimnyr + ecorg buddies
paint 3 kroxigors
0 3
@Cameron Kahrs paint to my army standard grey knights, 10 interceptors (2 five man squads) and one GK Techmarine 91 2
@Crasham Paint Oldblood on Carnosaur
Paint Six Aggradon Lancers
Paint Scar-Veteran Aggradon
play at least two 1,000 pt AoS games
100 1
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint Assault Marines 0 1
@pelota (Phil) Finish Painting 5 sisters battle ready
Paint Sisters HQ battle ready
Base 5 Custodian Guard
Paint Techmarine Battle ready
Paint Eradicators Battle ready
Learn how and Apply at least 3 transfer
50 1
@Dave finish building the necromancer dragon (this is the month?!) 0 0
@Ed Finish force of Votann for Doubles <:grudgedwarf:686654124812402771> 0 0
@GypsyDanger Finish armiger
Paint custom praetor
Assemble a single FEC model
0 0
@Hause build 10 red hand destroyers
build Sicaran Venator
build 2 apothecaries
0 0
@Hodgepodge battle ready spartan proteus (ignore above photo, was grey plastic on april 1)
battle ready praetor
battle ready 3 chainaxe reavers
battle ready seeker squad
battle ready tac sergeant with chainsword
have it all done for the horus heresy skirmish event on saturday
100 0
@Jon Paint Calgar and Honor Guard - Battle Ready
Paint Agressors x3 - Battle Ready
Paint Eradicators x6 - Battle Ready
Paint Inceptor Flame Bases x6
100 0
@Nate Assemble and Battle-ready Votann doubles army, 1x land fortress, 2x sagitaur, 5x zerkers, 10x warriors, 1x character, and flex models equal to 1000 points 25 0
@Stryper Hugh Battle Ready 6 crypt horrors
Battle Ready 20 Crypt Ghouls
Battle Ready 1 Abhorrent Archregent
0 0
@SuddenlyBears paint Ursurax
paint Scyllax
paint 2 tech priests and servo automata
paint castellax
paint arcuitor magisterium
100 0

March 2024

  • 19
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Completely paint and base Imperial Knight Dominus 100 43
@solofiredfirst base 6x ratlings, weather mechanicus board, paint 10x Wolf Guard Terminator bases 100 41
@Kyle K finish 10 squig hoppers
finish boss on squig
finish nightgoblin boss
finish night goblin shaman
finish 20 night goblins
finish 2 fanatics
finish 20 sword and shield black orcs
finish giant
100 39
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint leviathan dreadnought
Paint moritats
100 38
@Kororuk Cypher and predator tank 100 29
@Turtle Corpse Prime all currently assembled skeletons
Finish one terrain piece
Finish erebus with shared base
100 26
@Christian Paint 4 Jetbikes
Paint 9 Multi-Meltas for Jetbikes
Apply transfers on 3 tanks and 40 non-tanks
Paint Raccoon Yakuza Blood Bowl team
100 24
@Mornhaven Build 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin, 10 Boyz, 1 Deffkopta
Paint and base 1 Psychophage
100 22
@inkskull unpack and setup hobby space; build 16 redcoat infantry, 4 redcoat light infantry, 1 drummer, 2 flag ensigns, 3 redcoat officers 100 16
@TeslaJr Build Necrolith Bone Dragon,
Build 10 skeleton Horsemen,
Build 6 Skeleton Horse Archers,
Build 1 tomb prince
100 15
@PurpleMossClump Paint 5 RC Chosen
Paint 6 RC legionaries
Paint 5 RC Havocs
Paint 5 IF support squad
100 11
@Queen City Guard - (John) March of the Ancients.
Parade Ready
6 dreadnoughts
1 Deredeo
1 Contemptor
1 Invictor warsuit
100 9
@Lance Build and Paint 2 Librarians in Terminator honor. 100 5
@Eyeodine Parade ready
1 Palatine
1 Brutalis Dreadnought
1 Ballistus Dreadnought
2 Redemptor Dreadnoughts
100 4
@Peter battle ready:
10 immortals
5 deathmarks
hexmark (bash)
5 beserks
3 aggradon lancers
aggradon veteran
100 2
@Cameron Kahrs paint 10 GK purifiers and their leader Castilian Crowe, to my army standard 100 1
@Stryper Hugh Battle Ready 6x Crypt Horrors
Battle Ready 10x MKVI Marines
0 1
@SuddenlyBears paint domitar
Assemble ursurax
0 1
@Crasham paint 3 terradons
Paint 1 Slann,
Paint 3 kroxigor
Paint 1 chotec
100 0
@Ed Paint 10 longbeards, 10 hammerererererererers, 10 rangers 0 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 1 Ironblaster
Paint 20 Gnoblars
Prime Assault Marines
100 0
@GoldenSupreme Parade Ready:
5 Custodian Wardens
5 Custodian Guard
0 0
@Hause build and prime 10 red hands destroyers
build and prime 1 deimos rhino (without treads)
build and prime 5 red butchers
0 0
@Hodgepodge fix broken skorpekh
fix broken tomb blade
fix broken plasma support squad dude
fix 3 broken reavers
fix 2 broken wraiths
redo wraiths magnetization
redo base/leg pinning on knight lancer
finish painting to parade ready legion praetor
paint the dude on szeras's base
0 0
@Jon Battle Ready
10 Infiltrator Marines
1 Gladiator Lancer
Parade Ready
2 Techmarines (grimdark)
1 Predator Destructor
1 Ballistus Dreadnaught
50 0
@pelota (Phil) paint redemptor to battle ready, paint ballistus to battle ready, build second redemptor 100 0
@vee 10 grots
3 deffkopters
0 0

February 2024

  • 18
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build, prime and fully paint Stilt Man!!
Build, prime and fully paint rest of Sector Mechanicus terrain box
100 42
@solofiredfirst paint mechanicus board 100 40
@Kyle K paint 20 black orcs
Finish 20night goblins
Finish golden bolter entry
100 38
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Base and prime terrain for aos/fantasy table.
Paint 3 boltboys
Paint daggoks stab lads
Paint high priest of lanka
100 37
@Kororuk 1 Vindicator 4 Obliterators 100 28
@Turtle Corpse Base and reprime all terrain
Build army box of tomb kings
Finish golden bolter
100 25
@Christian Paint 1 jetbike 100 23
@Mornhaven Paint and base: 11 Neurogaunts 100 21
@inkskull finish 5 gossamids to battle ready; paint lord of plagues for golden bolter 100 15
@TeslaJr Build 16 skeleton archers, a deredeo dread, and battle ready 20 tac marines 100 14
@PurpleMossClump Paint IF Leviathan Dread
Paint 5 IF tactical support squad
Paint imotekh
Build and paint 5 Deathmarks
100 10
@Queen City Guard - (John) take Reaver titan to parade ready and Ceatus Assault ram to parade ready. 100 8
@GypsyDanger Paint SW Jarl
Paint armiger chassis
Paint armiger base
0 5
@Lance Build and paint 10 man Infernus Squad and build and paint 2 Apothecary Biologises 100 4
@Eyeodine Battle ready 3 Eradicators
Battle ready Vulkan He'stan
Battle Ready Triumph of St. Katherine
100 3
@Dave 1.) finish build, gapfill and prime the tesseract dragon 2.) build and paint dark mechanicum mortarion 0 1
@Hause paint golden bolter entry to at least battle ready 0 1
@Peter Golden Bolter: the Shadow Queen
also paint:
baby Morathi
20 witch aelves
imotekh & orikan
100 1
@Cameron Kahrs paint to my army standard the storm raven gunship. It’s already like 30% done so no way I get boned again! 100 0
@dynnslayer Golden bolter: sorcerer in Terminator armour
Battle ready 2 overlords
Battle ready skorpek Lord
25 0
@Ed Finish 30 dorfs and lord for Golden Bolter 0 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint Grinkrak
Build 40 stabbas
Build 20 shootas
50 0
@Kelvin finish norn emissary
paint norn assimilator
0 0
@Matt C -Battle Ready Base Coat on Necopolis Stalkers x 3
-Battle Ready Base Coat on Immortis Guard x 6
-Battle Ready Arch-Kavalos
-Battle Ready Arkhan
-Base Mortisan Ossifector and Boneshaper
-Battle Ready Ossifector and Boneshaper
0 0
@Stryper Hugh Golden Bolter Abhorrent Gorewarden Battle Ready
20x Crypt Ghouls Battle Ready
6x Crypt Horrors Built
100 0
@SuddenlyBears assemble/paint boingrot bounders
assemble/paint loonboss on cavesquig
100 0
@TheTinker13 Paint tomb king 0 0

January 2024

  • 18
  • 4
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Finishing painting Mechanicum Ordinatus Ulator
Build/Prime Slaves to Dankness Chaos Warshrine
100 41
@solofiredfirst paint 6x ratlings (no bases) 100 39
@Kyle K build 40 spear goblins (minus bases)
build 20 archer goblins (minus bases)
build 3 stone trolls (minus bases)
finish big 'ead boss bunka
finish a whole bunch of barrels and fuel cans
100 37
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Build repulsor
Build both pieces of aos terrain
Build 4 ironguts
Build 10 gutrippas
Print off the trophy for bacon at dawn aka boss hog aka swineburg
100 36
@Kororuk 1 Hellbrute and 1 chosen. 100 27
@Turtle Corpse Build and prime sicaran tank
Build and prime rhino
Prime sniper assassin duder for BA
Finish one terrain piece
100 24
@Christian Paint 1 jetbike 100 22
@Mornhaven Base: 6 Tyranid Warriors
Paint and base: 5 Barbgaunts
Paint and base: 1 Parasite of Mortrex
100 20
@inkskull airbrush the basecoats for treelord ancient (& base) + 5 gossamids; test 1 plaguebearer scheme to battle ready 100 14
@TeslaJr Build 10 Phalanx Warders
Prime a Sicaran
Prime a Land Raider Proteus
Battle Ready a LI Command Squad
100 13
@PurpleMossClump Paint RG Phobos Librarian
Paint RG Lieutenant
Paint 3 RG Outriders
Paint 10 30k tacticals
100 9
@Queen City Guard - (John) Jump Pack January. 10 man Legion Assault Squad. 10 man Legion Destroyer Squad w/volkite pistols. 10 assault intercessors with jump pack. 9. Plasma inceptors. All to a parade ready standard 100 7
@GypsyDanger Finish Knight 100 4
@Lance Build and Paint 2 Terminator Captains 100 3
@Eyeodine β€’ Battle Ready one Land Raider Redeemer
β€’Battle Ready 1 Winged Tyranid Prime on a beach base
β€’ Battle Ready a x3 block of Flamestorm Aggressors
100 2
@Hodgepodge 40k- paint 3 von ryan's leapers to battle ready
30k- finish all trophy heads, paint horus's wolf fur cloak thing
infinity-paint su jian to battle ready
0 1
@Cameron Kahrs Paint one GK Nemesis Dreadnight to my army standard scheme. This is an easy goal, no way I’ll get boned on this one right? 0 0
@Dave finish painting iron warriors forge lord to battle ready 100 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 8 Ironguts
Base 12 gluttons
Paint 1 ironblaster
30 0
@Hause sub-assemble and prime 40 mk6 marines 100 0
@Peter BR:
10 doomfire warlocks
5 medusai
5 khinerai
hag queen
witch queen
avatar of khaine
build + prime: 20 basic murder elfs
100 0
@Stryper Hugh Battle ready 10 Cryptguard 0 0

December 2023

  • 15
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Paint all sub assembled parts of the Mechanicum Ordinatus Ulator
Build, prime and fully paint Sydonian Dragoon
100 40
@solofiredfirst build Nachmund terrain box, build and prime 12x Ratlings 100 38
@Kyle K build the hull of the ork fistinator
finish 2 tents from the necromunda merchant thing
100 36
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S - paint 12 monsta killas
- paint 40 shoots
- paint 40 stabbas
- paint 6 fanatics.
- bask in victory
100 35
@Turtle Corpse - basecoat currently primed terrain
- battle ready one praetor
70 35
@Kororuk 3 Chosen and 5 Raptors. 100 26
@Christian Paint 3 jetbikes 100 21
@Mornhaven Paint: 6 Tyranid Warriors 100 19
@inkskull - build typhus +base
- rebase 6 stands of nurglings
- build 5 gossamid archers +bases
- build 1 treelord ancient +base
- fix airbrush booth or give up and order a new one
- build 5 SoH recon marines +bases
- build 10 SoH breachers +bases
- build 10 SoH Missile Launcher heavy squad +bases
- build Siege Breaker Centurion +base
100 13
@TeslaJr prime, zenithal, and yellow 30 tactical Marines.
Battle ready 10 of those Marines.
100 12
@PurpleMossClump Paint 10 jump pack intercessors
Paint 5 infernus
Paint 10 30k tacticals
Paint 30k contemptor dread
100 8
@Queen City Guard - (John) Complete 16 smoke bases for assault intercessors and inceptors to parade ready
Parade ready space marine captain
Parade ready space marine lt. From Leviathan box
Parade ready Random Lt. Or Praetor or I really don't know what the fuck he is.
100 6
@GypsyDanger Paint 1 armiger

Paint chassis on Castigator

Assemble assault Squad

Assemble 5 SOS
100 3
@JoeB - paint 20 dark angels
- paint dark angel HQ
- paint dark angel spartan
25 2
@Lance Build and Paint a Brutalis Dreadnought. 100 2
@Eyeodine β€’ Battle ready paint and base one Apothecary Biologus
β€’ Battle ready paint and base one Bladeguard Ancient
β€’ Battle Ready paint and base 3 Agressors
β€’ Battle Ready paint and base 3 Eradicators
100 1
@Kelvin Paint norn emissary 0 1
@Mett Droid -Battle Ready 5 Berserks
-Sub-Assemble, Prime, and Magnetize Sagitaur
-Fog/frost up Sagi windows
-Battle Ready 5 Hearthguard
-Battle Ready Red Gobbo
-Assemble and Prime 10 Hearthguard
-Assemble and Prime Death Guard Icon Bearer
-Sponge Layer Test on Death Guard
-Chalk Weathering Test on Death Guard
-Assemble and Prime Lady Sirocca
-Assemble and Prime Ammo-Jack
-Assemble and Prime Mika Ratspite
-Prime Purity
-Assemble and Prime 6 more Brokhyr
-Re-Arm the first 6 Brokhyr with Bolt Cannons
-Assemble and Prime Iron Master
-Assemble and Prime Grimnyr
-Prime 6 Hernkyn Pioneers
0 1
@Cameron Kahrs ok for real this time, finish both firestrike servo turrets and the apothecary. then paint 10 strike squad GK and one GK brotherhood champion 92 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Prime rest of Khorne 2k + Daemons
Paint 10 Reavers
Paint 5 Skullreapers
Paint hexgorger skulls
Paint Blood Altar
20 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 15 assault marines
Paint 1 legion apothecary
Build and paint 1 contemptor dreadnought
0 0
@Hodgepodge 1. 30k- assemble and prime predator
2. 40k- paint new overlord model to battle ready
3. Infinity- assemble all models. do some test paint schemes on 1 of 4 kuang shi. paint taowu. paint dragon lady. do test paint scheme on 1 of 4 wu ming.
100 0
@Peter battle ready
20 tactical marines
2x10 support squad
land raider spartan
land raider proteus
10 cataphractii terminators
2 praetors/bashed characters
0 0
@vee battle ready stompa 0 0

November 2023

  • 17
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Clean and scrub resin for Mechanicum Ordinatus Ulator 100 39
@solofiredfirst assemble mechanicus terrain because we’re gonna need 12 more boards next GT 100 37
@Kyle K finish models from the inner sphere support box 100 35
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint darkstrider
Build gorgers
Build pathfinder kill team.
100 34
@Turtle Corpse battle damage, fix, accessorize word bearers

prep/prime swamp board pieces
100 34
@Kororuk 1 exaulted/aspiring Champion and Vashtor the Archifane. 100 25
@Heinzz prime/paint 2 battletech lances 0 24
@Christian Build Chaos Gargant
Paint Chaplain
100 20
@Mornhaven Paint and base: 6 Tyranid Warriors 100 18
@inkskull prime 2x rhinos, 2x predators, 1x spartan, 1x contemptor, 1x centurion, 1 knight; base coat with airbrush for the contemptor and centurion 100 12
@TeslaJr build 30 tac marines 100 11
@PurpleMossClump Paint Palatine
Build and Paint Centurion Devastator Squad
Paint 5 Sternguard Veterans
100 7
@Queen City Guard - (John) Jump Pack Captain parade ready. Catephractii Praetor parade ready. 100 5
@EonFenrir (Devon) paint Hrothgorn's Warband
Build Wyrdhollow Warbands
50 4
@SuddenlyBears build domitar automata
build ursurax cohort
build servo-automata/macrotek enginseer
0 4
@GypsyDanger assemble knight frame and pose, Paint Terminator Speaker, paint tech marine and 2 melta gun stalkers 100 2
@JoeB paint Peter mechs, paint 3 pieces of BT terrain 100 1
@Cameron Kahrs Nov 2023; finish squad of firestrike servo turrets and apothecary, complete painting. Gotta get these last few imperial fists off my backlog so 2024 can be all about grey knights! 0 0
@Dave 1.) clean up hobby space 2.) finish lord of goats 3.) build something cool 33 0
@Ed Paint 3 aggressors for the Imperial Fists 0 0
@Eyeodine Build and prime one land raider redeemer
Build and paint to parade standard one primaris techmarine
Paint one Psychophage and put it on a beach base
100 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 10 dawnbreaker marines
Build 2 contemptor-incaendius dreadnoughts
50 0
@Kelvin Finish 5 Night raptors
Finish 5 Tartaros Terms
100 0
@Mett Droid -Paint 23 Ice and Taiga bases
-20 Hearthkyn Battle Ready
-Build and Prime 10 Berserks
-Build High KΓ’hl
-Build and Prime 3 BrΓ΄khyr
-Build SkjaldΓ³ttr squad
100 0
@Peter finish world eaters combat patrol
finish tesseract vault
finish 10 hearthguard
10 0
@TheTinker13 complete kit bashed blade guard squad 0 0

October 2023

  • 18
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Paint and base Knight Lancer
Paint Callidus Assassin
100 38
@solofiredfirst Exhaust Wolf, DO NOT PAINT A SHADOWSWORD 100 36
@Kyle K finish GSC combat patrol
finish wrecking ball for trukk
100 34
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint 12 aggressors
Paint 10 chosen
100 33
@Turtle Corpse Battle ready one centurian chaplain
Battle ready 30 tac marines
100 33
@Kororuk 7 accursed cultists (all I have left) 100 24
@Christian Paint Praetor
Paint Terminator Command Squad
Paint Spartan
Paint Predator
Paint Cerberus
Paint plasma guns of Gorgons cause I keep forgetting
Prime Contemptor
Paint Doom Daddy Things
Paint 2 Decurions
100 19
@Mornhaven Paint and base: 10 Ash Wastes Nomad Warriors 100 16
@inkskull battle ready 20 tactical Marines; battle ready 10 despoilers; battle ready 10 terminators; battle ready 1 axe praetor 100 11
@TeslaJr battle ready Trajann 100 10
@Kelvin Battle ready 2 canoptek reanimators
Battle ready Doomsday Ark
Battle ready 6 Tomb Blades
Battle ready 20 Assault Squad Marines
Battle ready 5 Night Raptors
Battle ready 5 Tartaros Terminators
0 9
@PurpleMossClump Paint Land Raider Redeemer
Paint Primaris Lieutenant
Paint 7 30k tactical marines
100 6
@Queen City Guard - (John) Exhaust Wolf, Librarian Dred, Leviathan Dred and 2 x Baal Predators to Parade ready. 100 4
@EonFenrir (Devon) paint inquisitorial henchmen
Paint Sir Hekhtur
Moss and Decal Canis Rex
Paint Exhaust Wolf ?
100 3
@SuddenlyBears paint 1000 pts HH mechanicum
finish boltercon list
100 3
@dynnslayer Battle ready 10 cultists
Battle ready 10 rubric Marines
Battle ready 1 infernal Master
100 2
@Dave 1.) Make the most awesomest centaur lord of skulls that has ever existed 2.) paint exhaust wolf 3.) finish 2 units of exalted eightbeasts 5 1
@GypsyDanger Paint Deathsworn
Paint Land Raider
Paint Varagyr
100 1
@Lance Back to Painting again. One squad of 5 Desolation Marines. 100 1
@Brent Build 10 chosen
Build defiler
Paint 30 ork boyz
0 0
@Ed Finish Autumn board (shrooms)
Finish boarding action walls
Finish models for Clubhouse Haunt
Assemble rest of Ultramarines for 30k
Finish Dark Angels Combat Patrol painting
0 0
@Hodgepodge paint exhaust wolf
paint all reavers (~29, in various stages of painting) to battle ready
paint 2 rhinos to battle ready
paint 2 apothecaries to battle ready
finish painting 2 contemptors to battle ready
base all painted justaerin
play at least 1 practice game of 40k
play at least 1 practice game of 30k
65 0
@JoeB Exhaust Wolf, Lord of Pleasure and Pain and Chief Enabler of the Children of the Mariviglia and Hosts of Hedonism, his close friends call him Cocaine Bear. 100 0
@Mett Droid -Paint Exhaust Wolf
-Paint Rabble-Rowza
-Paint Ava
40 0
@Peter finalize and battle ready boltercon GT army
create basic display board for said army
0 0

September 2023

  • 20
  • 10
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build, magnetize, and prime Dominus Knight
Build and prime Knight Lancer
100 37
@solofiredfirst paint 2x Exterminator Autocannons, 21x Heavy Bolters, 2x Hunter Killer Missiles, 6x Plasma Cannons, 2x Regimental Enginseers 100 35
@Kyle K paint 20 neophyte hybrids
paint Magus
100 33
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint 2 vindicators
Paint 10 chosen
Paint 20 genestealers
Build lictor
Build 2 neurolictors
100 32
@Turtle Corpse Battle ready 1 sicaran
Decal 3 tac marine squads
Base coat one centurion chaplain
100 32
@Heinzz paint Rhino
Paint Landraider
Paint Blue scribes
Paint changeling
Rebase Lord of change
0 24
@Kororuk paint and base the 5 Dark Commune and 8 Accursed Cultists. 100 23
@Christian Snip 20 sprues bare and organize the bits into baggies
Paint 6 dragon ogres
Drill and magnetize all the jetbike weapons
Damage and prime jetbikes
100 18
@Mornhaven Paint and base: 1 Screamer-Killer and 1 Neurotyrant 100 15
@inkskull build 2 warcry warbands; finish painting 30 plaguebearers; paint 1 Wraith battlemech 100 10
@TeslaJr prime Trajann, assemble 4 custodian guard, assemble and battle ready a SINGLE imperial fist marine for the HH 100 9
@Kelvin Battle ready 20 tactical Marines
Battle ready Legion Praetor
Build and prime doomsday ark
100 8
@PurpleMossClump Paint
3 30k terminators
10 30k tactical marines
5 CSM terminators
3 CSM cultists
Chaos Lord
CSM terminator sorcerer
100 5
@Queen City Guard - (John) parade ready:
10 man infernus squad
3 drop pods
10 man Mk3 squad
100 3
@EonFenrir (Devon) Moss and Decals Knight Valiant
Build Canis Rex
Paint Knight Lancer
100 2
@Gorak Paint 8 big stabbas
Paint 5 boar boyz
Paint Savage big boss
50 2
@Peter BR:
tesseract vault
world eaters combat patrol
5 hearthguard
another 10 hearthguard
5 beserks
20 2
@SuddenlyBears assemble thallax cohort
Assemble tiarios armored conveyor
Assemble archmagos (sans abeyant)
Assemble armiger helverin
Assemble myrmidon secutors
100 2
@Brent Paint 30 ork boyz
Paint 10 nobz
Paint 2 trukks
0 1
@dynnslayer Build and paint 20 chaos cultists
Build and paint 1 sorcerer
100 1
@Albert Paint 2 zoanthopes, finish 3 Venomthropes and finishing magnitizing & base color to 1 exocrine 100 0
@Dave Paint 1 converted Master of Possession on Krondspine Incarnate
Complete blood effects on Bullthirster
Magnetize all remaining beastmen and beastmarines
Finish weathering and details for Land Raider spartan
Touch-up any models damaged from NOVA
Order 1 Khorne steak brand
100 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 5 Custodian Guard
Paint 6 venatari
Paint 1 shield captain
0 0
@GypsyDanger Paint Cata Praetor
Paint second squad of slayers
Paint a tank, doesn't matter just pick one.
100 0
@Hodgepodge add layers/wash to cerastus knight lancer
battle ready+ cataphractii praetor
base 10 30k models that are unbased
75 0
@JoeB finish space hulk walls 50 0
@Mett Droid Build all Cities models
Select which City to play
Cement Sentinel’s Due color scheme
Panic hobby for way too many models
40 0
@Sawyer 3 days building; 3 days painting 100 0
@TheTinker13 Build 20 witch aelves 0 0
@vee Prime 102 guardsmen
Battle ready 102 bases
60 0

August 2023

  • 19
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Paint 5 Admech Ruststalkers
Paint Culexus Assassin
Paint Dark Angels Lazarus
Paint Interrogator-Chaplain
100 36
@solofiredfirst Paint 2x Terminators in new scheme (no bases), assemble and prime 2x Venerable Dreadnoughts 100 34
@Kyle K build GSC combat patrol
finish distraction grot
100 32
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint gobsprakk for vulture swaps
Paint 2 mirebrute troggoths
100 31
@Turtle Corpse battle ready 1 vampire lord
battle ready 1 assault spartan
battle ready 1 praetor
100 31
@Kororuk 11 cultists/traitor guard and 1 chosen. 100 22
@Christian Paint 2 Sentinels
Convert an Iron Hands Warmonger
Convert an Iron Hands Chaplain
Convert an Iron Hands Command Squad Herald
Build 3 Javelins
Paint Kratos
100 17
@Mornhaven Paint and base: 20 Termigaunts 100 14
@GabeNewhall Paint and base blood master
Paint and base Raider
Finish The Lion
0 13
@inkskull finish painting tree lord to battle ready; prime and paint arch revenant to battle ready 100 9
@TeslaJr BR Custodian vexilla,
slapchop 10 cultists for C:DMD,
slapchop each sculpt of shield agent from Marvel: Zombies
100 8
@Kelvin Paint Canoptek Spyder
Paint Lokhust Lord
Design new hobby area
Design new model storage
100 7
@JoeB - Paint Shalaxi (yas base)
- Paint Rat Demon (no base)
- Finish the 4 walls I started in July
- build / prep / prime 4 more walls
40 4
@PurpleMossClump Paint: 10 lychguard
6 Skorpekh Destroyers
2 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers
6 Scarab Swarms
10 Necron Warriors
100 4
@Queen City Guard - (John) parade ready Impulser, rhino and servo turret 100 2
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint Lauchon the Soul seeker
Paint Knight Valiant
100 1
@Gorak Paint 2 paragon warsuits
Paint 3 sisters of battle
Paint twilight sisters on Forrest dragon
100 1
@Peter battle ready:
2 royal warden
6 canoptek scarab swarm
1 overlord
2 lords
1 skorpekh lord
1 technomancer
1 plasmancer
3 ophydian destroyers
1 canoptek plasmacyte
3 tomb blades
1 doomsday cannon
illuminor szeras
100 1
@Stryper Hugh Assemble Mozrog Skragbad to Battle Ready Status 0 1
@SuddenlyBears paint white scars biker
paint knight despoiler
100 1
@Brent Build 20 guardsmen
Build command squad
Build 6 heavy weapons teams
Build 5 assault marines
100 0
@Dj Paint 5 stormcast liberators 0 0
@dynnslayer Paint 10 tzaangors
Paint 6 tzaangor enlightened
Paint 1 predator annihilator
100 0
@Ed finish boarding action set 0 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 6 custodes wardens
Paint 5 custodian guard.
Paint 1 shield captain
0 0
@Hodgepodge base coat and assemble knight lancer
paint tomb blades to battle ready
33 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 5 barbgaunts
Build 20 termagants
0 0
@vee paint 10 wychs 0 0

July 2023

  • 22
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build and Paint Technoarcheologist
Paint AoS Demon Prince
100 35
@solofiredfirst build and prime 12x terminators (no bases), finish organizing hobby space 100 33
@Kyle K finish squighog boys and nob on smasha
finish stormboy nob
build 10 beast snagga boyz
finish mek with killsaw
100 31
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint:
6 von Ryan's leapers
10 barbguants
22 neurogaunts
1 psychophage.
100 30
@Turtle Corpse Battle ready 10 word bearers termies

Battle ready a blud angle chaplain and LT
100 30
@Kororuk 6 Chosen to paint and base.. 100 21
@Christian Paint Bigg's Boys (6 ogryn)
Paint Whirlwind Scorpius
Paint 2 Deimos Predator chassis
Build 1 Armored Sentinel
Build 3 Jetbikes
100 16
@Mornhaven Paint and base: 5 Blightlord Terminators 100 13
@GabeNewhall Paint and base Lilith Hesperax
Paint and base Skulltaker
Base coat The Lion
100 12
@inkskull prime and base coat ? the tree lord and his base. Also build 10 intercessors 100 8
@TeslaJr battleready vindicare, battleready custodian with vexilla, slapchop 5 marvel zombies player characters 100 7
@Kelvin Battle ready 20 termagaunts
Battle ready 11 Neurogaunts
Battle ready 5 barbagaunts
Battle ready Psychopage
Battle ready screamer killer
Battle ready 3 von Ryan leapers
Battle ready Neurotyrant & Co.
Battle ready Winged Tyranid prime
Paint Plasmancer
Paint Necron Lord
100 6
@JoeB Build / Prime:
- 4 space hulk walls
- 1 10th compatible terrain piece
Battle ready:
- 1 Tyranid Combat Patrol
100 3
@PurpleMossClump Paint Tyranid half of Leviathan
Paint 2 Sword Brethren
Paint 10 Primaris Crusaders
Paint Judiciary
100 3
@pelota (Phil) -Prime Barbgaunts, Neurotyrant, 5 terminators, terminator captain
-Paint 2 zoanthropes battle ready
-Paint Neurotyrant battle ready
-Paint biovore battle ready
-Paint 5 terminators battle ready
-Base tyrannids (zoanthropes, neurotyrant, biovore)
-Base terminators
0 2
@Queen City Guard - (John) Paint a Redemptor Dread and two Ballistic Dreads to Parade Ready. 100 1
@Brent build landraider
Build 10 devastators
Paint 5 crusaders
Paint 5 devastators
50 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint Beastrider on Stonehorn 100 0
@Franko paint 5 hellblasters 0 0
@Gapesmith paint carapaces of 20 termagants 3 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 6 custodian wardens
Paint 5 custodian guard
Paint 1 shield captain.
0 0
@Gorak Paint 3 centurions 100 0
@Hodgepodge make new hobby setup at new apartment
Killteam-finish basing and battle readying 5 sicarians
40k- assemble new nids, paint at least 2 test termagants, paint hexmark destroyer
30k-base 5 reavers and 5 justaerin, make 5 reavers into reaver aggressors
0 0
@Lance Prepare and paint 5 man squad of Terminators and teleport homer. 100 0
@Laser Bacon Prime Sternguard veterans 100 0
@Meyer battleready
- 20 Warriors
- 6 Skorpekh Destroyers
- 3 Heavy Destroyers and Lord
- 2 Wardens
- 1 Overlord
0 0
@Peter battle ready canoptek spyder, chronomancer, and reanimator 100 0
@Sawyer Assemble fellgors
Paint 1 Slave to Sigmar
0 0
@Stryper Hugh Battle Ready 10 Flash Gitz 100 0
@SuddenlyBears Paint fellgors
Paint the rest of gobbapalooza
Assemble and paint a box-nought
100 0

June 2023

  • 16
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Paint Mutalith Vortex Beast
Paint Centaurion Marshal
Build and Prime Eternus, Blade of The First Prince
Build and Prime Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore
100 34
@solofiredfirst paint 5 kill team veteran guardsmen 100 32
@Kyle K finish makari
finish 10 kommandos
100 30
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint Typhon
Paint land raider
Paint 2 rhinos

Get 2k of KB ready for Saturday.
100 29
@Turtle Corpse Battle ready 1 word bearers Contemptor

Battle ready 1 blood angles repulser execution

Color block 10 word bearers termies and finish their bases
100 29
@Kororuk paint and base 20 traitor guard and/or cultists 100 20
@Christian Finish IH Autocannon Heavy Support
Finish IH Volkite Support Squad
Finish IH Despoiler Squad
Paint IH Plasma Support Squad
Paint Lizardmen Mad Max Blood Bowl Team (don't ask)
100 15
@Mornhaven Paint and base: 1 Plague Surgeon, 1 Foul Blightspawn, 1 Biologus Putrifier 100 12
@GabeNewhall Paint and base drazhar
Paint and base venom
Paint and base 10 wyches
100 11
@inkskull build & prime black seas: 6 brigs, 4 frigates, 2 third rates; build for 30k: 11 tactical marines, 5 cataphractii terminators, 1 contemptor dreadnought (?), 1 land raider spartan (?), 4 predators (?) 100 7
@TeslaJr Battle Ready one Venerable Contemptor Dread, Assemble and Prime the Vindicare from WH+ 100 6
@Kelvin Build Canoptek Doomstalker
Paint Monolith
Finish painting Void Dragon
Finish printing and building Seraptek
Print Catacomb command barge
Print Death ray Pylon
Base the Silent king
100 5
@SuddenlyBears battle ready 10 fellgor ravagers
battle ready 5 boingrot bounders
Subassemble and magnetize Knight Despoiler
69 4
@Hodgepodge kill team: paint 3 sicarians to battle ready
30k: paint 2 rapier carriers, maloghurst, and 5 reavers
51 2
@JoeB - paint 6 CSM
- Build Land Raider
100 2
@PurpleMossClump Paint 3 SoB cherubs
Paint SoB Dialogus
Paint SoB Castigator
Paint 3 misc sisters(Bolter, heavy flamer, melta)
Paint 3 SoB Repentia
Paint 3 SoB Arco-flagellants
100 2
@vee Find, fix, and make otherwise complete 2000 points as of AoO of drukhari scattered in my house 0 2
@Mett Droid Create a color scheme and paint plan for Sisters
Do a test model for Sisters
Battle Ready Inquisitorial Acolytes
Paint Plan for Arbites
Build Plan for the Grand Inquisitor of Ordo Hereticus
Basing plan and testing for Hereticus army
0 1
@pelota (Phil) Paint 9x Intercessor to battle ready
Battle Ready + build desolation squad
Edge Highlight Maleceptor + Neuronthrope (armor + claws)
Prime 15 hormagaunts
Battle Ready 15 hormagaunts
100 1
@Peter finish 10 lychguard to parade ready
battle ready 1 canoptek spyder
battle ready 1 canoptek reanimator
battle ready 1 chronomancer
0 1
@Djthephleb494 Build 20 Cadians Build 2 Ordinance Teams Build Armored Sentinel Paint 20 Cadians Paint 2 Ordinance Teams Paint Armored Sentinel 0 0
@Laser Bacon complete Brutalis dread 0 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) 10 desolation marines to parade ready 100 0
@TheTinker13 Base swarm lord
Paint and base tyranofex
0 0

May 2023

  • 21
  • 7
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Finish Maypoc Swag
Prepare Maypoc display table
Prepare liver for Maypoc
Paint Gorebeast Chariot
Paint Chaos Lord
100 33
@solofiredfirst paint 5x Veteran Guardsmen, build and prime Boarding Actions terrain box 100 31
@Kyle K finish shrine of the aquilla building
finish squig buggy
finish painboss
100 29
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint the farstalker kinband 100 28
@Turtle Corpse Battle ready 10 word bearers tactical

Battle ready death company dread

Fix invictor paint job

Prep/prime 1 repulsor executioner
100 28
@Christian Paint Apothecary
Paint Spartan
Build Cerberus
Prime Autocannon Heavy Support Squad
Prime Volkite Charger Support Squad
Build and prime Plasma Support Squad
100 14
@Mornhaven Paint and base 3 Deathshrouds
Paint and base 1 Blight-hauler
100 11
@GabeNewhall Paint 2 Skull Cannons 100 10
@inkskull paint warsong revenant to battle ready; finish painting ork commandos; prime and paint the 3 kill team measurement gauges 100 6
@Lance Prepare and paint 5 man squad of Desolation Marines. 100 5
@TeslaJr Build 2 Custodes Termies, Paint 2 Custodes Termies to Battle Ready, Build 10 new Saurus Warriors, BR Paint 10 old Saurus Warriors 100 5
@Kelvin Build and paint 5 Lychguard
Paint 5 Flayed ones
100 4
@SuddenlyBears battle ready 1 armiger
battle ready skragrott, the loonking
assemble the fellgor ravagers kill team
100 3
@Hodgepodge paint skitarii for kill team 100 1
@JoeB paint tyranid kill team 100 1
@NateS 6 Harlequin Troupe models 60 1
@PurpleMossClump Finish building Age of Darkness box (20 marines, sword praetor, tank)
Paint 5 30k terminators
Paint 5 BT sword brethren
Paint 2 BT Bladeguard veterans
100 1
@vee 15 rattlingβ€˜s battle ready 100 1
@Chadiator Fully painted kill team by 5/20 100 0
@Ed paint boarding actions terrain set 0 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) 10 Hearthkyn Warriors battle ready
Build and paint kill team to 20 percent done
50 0
@GoldenSupreme paint 1 war dog stalker and 1 war dog brigand. 0 0
@Gorak Build 5 Primaris intercessors
Paint servitor turret
Paint apothecary
Paint 4 heavy intercessors
Paint Captain in gravis armor
Build and paint stormraven
90 0
@Mett Droid Navis Imperialis Painted
Sisters of Silence Painted
100 0
@pelota (Phil) Paint Venomthropes -> Battle ready
Finish building and Prime Intercessor KT
Paint and Base Intercession KT (Battle ready)
100 0
@Peter battle ready the final thunder kin
battle ready 3 pioneers
build, prime, battle ready 39 necron warriors
prime and battle ready 3 breacher models
100 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) parade ready 10 assault intercessors, 10 desolation squad boys and 6 rockgut troggoths. Assemble Kill team Beastboys 33 0
@TheRealHughMann 1 land raider proteus battle ready 0 0

April 2023

  • 19
  • 11
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build and Prime Gaunt Summoner
Build and Prime 10 Chaos Chosen
Fully Paint 5 of these Chaos Chosen
Build and Prime 10 Chaos Warriors
Build and Prime 5 Chaos Knights
Build/Paint Sector Mechanicus pipe terrain
Finish Reaver Titan:
Paint Volcano Cannon
Paint Gatling Blaster
Build base
Apply transfers
Add weathering
100 32
@solofiredfirst build and prime 4x heavy weapons teams, 1x Shadowsword 100 30
@Kyle K finish Kustom Stompa
finish Snikrot
finish coargo 8 battlewagon
100 28
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Get crucible chapter 2 objectives painted.
Paint 2 stormspeeders.
100 27
@Turtle Corpse for the word bearers currently in the magic box (contempter, 40 tacs, 10 termies, 2 characters)
finish blacking out shoulder pads
gloss em up
warsh em down
battle ready 5 intercessors
build, prep, prime death company dread
100 27
@Heinzz build/magnetize 2 Khorne Lord of Skulls 0 25
@Kororuk paint and base 10 traitor guard and 1 Traitor guard with 1 Traitor Ogryn. 100 19
@Christian Write 15K more words for 30K guides
Paint 10 Despoilers
100 13
@Mornhaven paint Plagueburst Crawler 100 10
@GabeNewhall Paint 2 Bloodcrushers
Paint Azrael
100 9
@inkskull paint spiteswarm hive to battle ready; paint up 3 bee riders for hobby heroes; 100 5
@Lance Prepare and paint Agastus Lt. (not much but this is a busy month). 100 4
@TeslaJr Paint 3 Vertus Praetors, Paint 5 Saurus Knights 100 4
@Kelvin Build 3 skorpekh Destroyers
Paint 9 skorpekh Destroyers
Paint Kharn
100 3
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 20 squigs
Paint Skragrott
Paint Sneaky Snufflers
0 2
@SuddenlyBears build and battle ready Knight Tyrant, battle ready Mangler Squigs, battle ready fungoid cave shaman, battle ready 5 boing rot bounders 100 2
@Queen City Guard - (John) 16 blood bowl bases
10 Primaris Assault Marines
Finish my giant
0 1
@Bananer414 finish last months goals (paint 10 wyches and 1 venom ) 0 0
@Brent paint 5 tactical marines
Build, prime, and paint 5 assault marines
0 0
@Ed paint terminators for the HOBBY HEROES PAINTING CHALLENGE 0 0
@floudie assemble and paint 6x Harlequin Troupe models 100 0
@Franko paint 3 Bladeguard 0 0
@Hodgepodge finish horus base for real this time
finish technomancer
finish objective marker
get night scythe base coated
paint deathmarks
100 0
@JoeB finish da dam walls 100 0
@Laser Bacon texture and basing greebles to outrider squad.

prime Servitors
0 0
@pelota (Phil) paint battle ready venomthropes, fix wash drybrush and seal/varnish current tyranid bases, paint eyes and teeth for tyranid crusade force, prime 10 genestealers 0 0
@Peter parade ready Sagitaur
battle ready Szeras
battle ready 5 beserks
battle ready 20 necron warriors
15 0
@PurpleMossClump Paint 5 Red Corsairs Legionaries 100 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 10 bestigors 0 0
@vee paint 3 bullgryn 100 0

March 2023

  • 18
  • 11
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Paint Exalted Hero of Chaos Paint Mibyllorr Darkfang the Chaos Sorcerer Lord Paint 3 Ogroid Theridons Paint leg armor panels for Reaver Titan 100 31
@solofiredfirst finish 3x Sentinels, 2x Command Squads 100 29
@Kyle K finish &quot;landraider&quot; for joust finish build/subassemblies of kustom Stompa Finish build of cargo8 battlewagon finish 6 savage bigshoota boyz and 3 savage rokkit boyz build 3 deffkoptas 100 27
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S ```Paint 30 hormagaunts Paint 20 termigaunts Paint 10 genestealers or 2 pyrovores (if I can actually get them printed) Paint a maleceptor Paint 10 morboys``` 100 26
@Turtle Corpse battle ready outrider squad finish building the FORTY TACTICAL MARINES prime all built 30k models base coat a test TACTICAL MARINE 100 26
@Heinzz Paint drop pod Paint 3 Eliminators Paint Bike Chaplain 100 24
@Kororuk paint and base 4 Obliterators and 4 Possessed. 100 18
@Christian Paint 2 deimos rhinos Paint 2 land speeders Prime kratos and spartan Paint Champion in Cataphractii 100 12
@Mornhaven Paint and base Foetid Bloat-drone Paint and base 10 pox walkers 100 9
@GabeNewhall prime and paint 10 bloodletters Strip and prime 5 DW Knights 100 8
@inkskull paint 10 spite revenants and 3 kurnoth hunters to battle ready with basic bases; 100 4
@Peter battle ready iron master and retinue battle ready 5x brokhyr beam boys battle ready 5x blood sisters battle ready 5x khinerai build prime and investigate scheme for 1 dominus-class knight, 2 questoris-class knights, 4 armiger-class knights 0 4
@Lance Prep Build and Paint Leviathan Dreadnought 100 3
@TeslaJr -paint 11 custodes guard squads to battle ready - paint lord kroak to battle ready -assemble contemptor dread for custodes 100 3
@Kelvin -Paint 3 Skorpekh Destroyers -Build and Prime Angron -Build and Prime Kharn 100 2
@Ed battle ready 750 BT for Hive War 0 1
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 6 rockgut troggoths Paint 1 Dankhold Troggoth Prime Squig Herd 100 1
@Mett Droid -Build and Prime; β€’ 20 Darkshards; β€’ 1 Allopex; β€’ 10 Blood Sisters; β€’ Gryselle’s Arenai β€’ 5 Doomfire Warlocks -Paint to Battle Ready; β€’ 20 Darkshards β€’ 5 Khinerai β€’ 20 Corsairs β€’ 10 Blood Sisters β€’ 5 Drakespawn Knights β€’ 1 Assassin 0 1
@nato Paint Heavy weapons squad Paint Karskin unit Paint 2 Bullgryns Paint 1 Ogryn bodyguard 100 1
@SuddenlyBears battle ready huntsman battle ready despoiler battle ready loonshrine build and battle ready squigboss 100 1
@Bananer414 paint 10 wyches paint 1 venom 0 0
@Brent Paint librarian in terminator armor Paint 5 tactical marines Build reaver Titan 0 0
@Franko build and paint 5 myrmidesh painbringers 0 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 1 knight desecrator Paint 1 war dog stalker Paint 1 Dankhold troggboss Paint 3 Fellwater Troggoths 0 0
@Hodgepodge finish horus base, build and paint deathmarks and night scythe, finish technomancer give hero sergeant a nice upgrade to make that artificer armor stick out a bit better 0 0
@Laser Bacon base coat chosen Base coat sorcerer Build Exalted Champion of chaos Detail rest of Chaos Knights 0 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) paint 5 heavy Intercessors 100 0
@TheTinker13 Paint shield captain in terminator armor Paint 6 custodian guard Paint 1 Alluras terminator Paint 3 wardens 0 0
@vee paint and base 2 models of field ordnance batteries and 3 models of ogryns 0 0

February 2023

  • 20
  • 7
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Finish pinning/magnetizing arms of reaver titan. Finish painting top Carapace of reaver titan. Build/paint AoS Chaos Spawn. Build/prime AoS Hero of Chaos 100 30
@solofiredfirst paint 2x Catachan Command Squads (no bases); build and prime 10x veteran guardsmen; paint 4x Hunter Killer Missiles 100 28
@Kyle K finish beastboss on squigasaur finish megatrakk scrapjet finish dakajet 100 26
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint up portals for the crucible. Paint judicar Build stormspeeder Build 3 aggressors 100 25
@Turtle Corpse battle ready 625 point hive war force 100 25
@Heinzz Paint 2 more BA characters assemble 1 box of Sang guard 100 23
@Kororuk 1 Aspiring Sorcerer, 4 Chosen, and 7 Chaos Space Marines. 100 17
@Christian - paint 1 Shaggoth - Paint 3 dragon ogres - Paint 2 30K vehicles - Build/convert 2 30K cobsuls 100 11
@Mornhaven Paint and base Lord of Virulence Build, paint, base 13 Plague Marines Paint and base 10 pox walkers 100 8
@GabeNewhall Paint Bloodthirster Paint 10 Bloodletters 100 7
@inkskull paint drycha; build and paint her base 100 3
@Peter battle ready melusai ironscale + 5 blood sisters parade ready bloodwrack shrine for the HOBBY HEROES CHALLENGE prime all other khaine models from vanguard + battleforce build and prime thunderkin and iron master 100 3
@Lance Prepare and paint Biologus Putrifier and 1 10 Man squad Poxwalkers. 100 2
@TeslaJr - Paint 10 saurus guard to battle ready - Paint a Bastiladon to battle ready - Battle ready 12 marble bases - Assemble 11 total custodian guard 100 2
@Bananer414 base Talos, base Ravager, and paint 10 Kabalites 0 1
@Kelvin Paint 5 lychguard Paint 5 lokhust Destroyers Paint Nightbringer Paint Royal Warden 100 1
@Ed Paint Black Templars Chaplain on HOG 100 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) paint fungoid for competition Prime dankhold Prime skragrott Prime 6 rockgut troggoths Prime loonshrine 100 0
@GoldenSupreme paint a dankhold troggboss to minimum battle ready Paint 3 Fellwater Troggoths to minimum battle ready Paint a war dog huntsman to minimum battle ready. 0 0
@Hodgepodge -finish painting last month's goals -paint technomancer -paint master of signal for hobby heroes 65 0
@JoeB paint half the walls 0 0
@Mett Droid Paint 20 Black Guard Prime 20 more Paint 10 Dreadspears Paint 2 Sorceresses Paint 1 Slaughter Queen Paint 1 Drakespawn Chariot Build 1 Drakespawn Chariot Discover what my Tabletop Standard means 100 0
@nato paint leman russ paint commissar paint 10x cadian shock troops paint cadian heavy weapons team 100 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) mephiston and finish my SoB 0 0
@SuddenlyBears finish loonboss on mangler squigs, squig hoppers, and squig herd. base coat armiger 100 0
@TheRealHughMann paint and base 5 grundstock Thunderers, 3 Endirinriggers 0 0
@TheTinker13 Paint -shield captain in terminator armor -9 custodian guard -allarus terminator 0 0

January 2023

  • 17
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse build, prime, paint Reaver Titan legs, no armor panels Build/prime 3 ogroid Theridons 100 29
@solofiredfirst paint 3x Vanquisher barrels, polling/voting feature for ServitorFidelis 100 27
@Kyle K finish wazbomb blasta jet finish 5 flash gitz finish 3 warbikers finish nob with kombi scorcha 100 25
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint 20 morboys Paint 4 big stabbas Paint mulcebar and bladeguard ancient. 100 24
@Turtle Corpse Battle ready 10 assault ints Survive my first born 100 24
@Heinzz paint 15 infiltrators and 1 more BA character. 100 22
@Kororuk 5 Black Knights, 1 Lich King on a Steed. 100 16
@Christian Build 2 deimos predators Build 1 deimos rhino Build 1 scorpius tank Build 1 kratos 100 10
@Mornhaven Build 10 model squad of Sisters of Battle Build Repentia Superior+9 model squad of Repentia Build Canoness Build Technoarcheologist Build Tech-priest Manipulus 100 7
@GabeNewhall Prime and paint 4 Bloodcrushers Prime Bloodthirster 100 6
@Hodgepodge play at least one game of 40k AND one game of 30k paint 5 justaerin, but better this time 80 3
@SuddenlyBears paint 1 unit of squig hoppers, paint loonboss on mangler squigs. Order/buy Knight Valiant. 70 3
@inkskull kitbash emerald lifeswarm. Order more greenstuff. Prime and paint 30 dryad bases. Prime and paint 30 dryads. 100 2
@JoeB paint 20 rats (nobase), finish one section of space hulk walls 18 2
@Peter build vanguard and battleforce khaine boxes print and airprime terrain sufficient for a 1000 pt sized board battle ready one khaine test model parade ready 1 hekaton land fortress 100 2
@Franko finish castelin, finish Redemptor main body 100 1
@Lance Prepare and paint Typhus Herald of the Plague God 100 1
@Laser Bacon Build and magnetize 15 custodian guard. Basecoat and detail 10 necron terrain pieces 3D print 20 50mm bases 0 1
@TeslaJr Base unit of skinks. Battle ready the skink starpriest. Battle ready the Geminids. Battle ready the Realmshaper. Build and prime 10 Saurus Guards. Prime, zenithal, and black grey 5 custodes guards and 3 bikes. 100 1
@Bananer414 paint 1 Ravager 100 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint 8 ironguts Paint 6 gluttons Prime 2 ironblaster cannons 0 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 6 Fellwater Troggoths to minimum battle ready. Build 6 rockgut Troggoths. 50 0
@Kelvin Build Knight Abominant Paint 2 Karnivores 100 0
@NateRay Assemble Kayvaan Shrike. Assemble 5 Flamestorm Aggressors. Assemble 3 Eliminators. Assemble 6 Infiltrators, which double as my Phobos Kill Team. Assemble Primaris Chaplain. Assemble 3 Inceptors w/ Plasma. Paint a test model to battle ready. 0 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) finish 5 Assault Centurions and my Giant 23 0
@TheTinker13 Build 15 custodian guard 3 bikes 1 trash man 0 0

December 2022

  • 20
  • 11
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse prime top of Reaver Titan. Completely paint interior of cockpit and internal chassis including the 4 badass dudes inside 100 28
@solofiredfirst assemble and prime 2x infantry squads, 2x command squads 100 26
@Kyle K finish red gobbo on bounca, finish 20 gretchins, finish 2 runtherders 100 24
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint 5 blade guard Build however many bonesplittas are under my desk. 100 23
@Turtle Corpse Finish 1 land raider Prime 10 assault ints Test paint 1 assault int 100 23
@Heinzz Assemble and paint 2 Blood Angels characters. 100 21
@Kororuk 15 Grave Guard foot soldiers 100 15
@Christian build 2 rhinos, paint 10 tartaros terminators 100 9
@Mornhaven Paint and base Dogmata and Palatine 100 6
@GabeNewhall finish painting/basing space wizard Jay Leno, prime and paint 10 Blootletters 100 5
@Queen City Guard - (John) finish SoB Giant to Parade Standard, Prime and base coat Necromunda terrain set, Paint 5 Centurions to Parade Ready standard. 50 4
@Hodgepodge paint the land raider spartan 10% 100 2
@SuddenlyBears bases for 3 knights, assemble and stage my squigs 100 2
@inkskull build 30 dryad bases, 1 branchwych base and do a full base+dryad test scheme model 90 1
@JoeB 33 first set of kill team terrain built 100 1
@Mett Droid Finish Xandria Azurebolt and Leena Stormspire. Complete any 5 other Stormcast models 40 1
@Peter paint 5 hearthguard to battle, experiment with air brush, finish 10 hearthkyn to battle, and Uthar to parade 100 1
@vee ```complete 9 cadian shock troop squads by painting and basing 9 sergeants and 9 infantry with either a melta or plasma weapon and 9 voxcasters``` 0 1
@Bananer414 prime and paint Akon (Archon) and paint Biggy Smalls (Talos) and finish Incubi 100 0
@Brent paint 10 fire warriors, paint 10 breachers, paint cadre fireblade 33 0
@Dj 5 chaos terminators, and 5 havocs battle ready 0 0
@Ed Paint a Black Templar Assault Intercessor squad. Assemble, or convince my dearest friends, to assemble the THUNDERSTRIKE SPEARHEAD. 15 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) assemble 2 Ironblasters Paint 20 gnoblars 0 0
@Franko paint primaris chaplin 100 0
@GoldenSupreme paint 3 felwater troggoths. Base coat a knight desecrator. 20 0
@Lance Prepare and Paint 7 man Plague Marine Squad 100 0
@Laser Bacon basecoat 12 tyranid warriors, 2 3d prints for friends' christmas presents, build and completely paint contemptor achilus dread, completely paint inquisitor Lord solar conversion built 100 0
@Nick (Furdog) complete unit of 5 Retributors build Castigator 0 0
@TeslaJr Paint Custodes Blade Champion to parade, sub assemble 3 Vertus Praetors, Basecoat 10 skinks 100 0
@TheRealHughMann Get Arkanaut Admiral and Arkanaut Ironclad to Battle Ready Status 0 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 5 custodian wardens 20 0

November 2022

  • 20
  • 5
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Get Imperial Knights army ready for invitational. Also get liver ready for invitational. 100 27
@solofiredfirst Paint Invitational army; Paint 6 Skorpeks (no bases or blades); survive BOLTERCON 100 25
@Kyle K finish the kill rig, top 3 ork player at the invitational, finish 2 storm boyz and 5 nobz 100 23
@Turtle Corpse battle ready 10 blood knights and finish prince vhordai 100 22
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint the bullshit bat Help with the firebase at some point Survive 3x3 man 100 22
@Heinzz finish painting Boltercon invitational army, have a successful Boltercon 100 20
@Kororuk finish 5 Terminators, repaint 6 legionaries. 100 14
@Christian finish invitational army and crusade army 100 8
@Mornhaven Paint and base rest of Battle Sisters squad (8) and Paint Castigator 100 5
@GabeNewhall prime and paint 5 th+ss terminators and play them at boltercon 100 4
@Queen City Guard - (John) Rebase blood angels 100 3
@Ed finish raffle army before BOLTERCON 69 1
@Hodgepodge paint seeker squad to battleready 100 1
@SuddenlyBears finish invitational army 100 1
@inkskull finish the 8 remaining portraits, design print of the crusade warlords, paint 1 poxwalker, magnetize DG army bases, attend boltercon 100 0
@Lance Prepare and Paint 7 man Plague Marine Squad 0 0
@Peter determine and battle ready lists for BOLTERCON 100 0
@Dave finish army, rent car, pack early 100 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) base 12 ogor gluttons, base 8 mournfangs, base 1 butcher 0 0
@JoeB finish October goals ? 100 0
@vee paint 3 minis to complete starstriders 100 0
@Hause build 10 mk VI tactical support marines, 10 mk IV assault marines, 10 red hand destroyers 0 0
@Albert Finish 10 Gargoyles and anything else for my invitational list. 100 0
@Mett Droid do 5 test bases for Stormcast, 3 Test Stormcast schemes, touchups for Boltercon, finish the first 7 Gutrippaz and Pot-Grot for the intro tables 100 0
@Franko primaris Crusader Squad 0 0

October 2022

  • 14
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build/Magnetize/Prime Questoris Knight. Paint Hector Rex. Paint another ferratonic furnance 100 26
@solofiredfirst paint 5 immortals (no bases), base coat tigerstripe camo and metallics on Traitor’s Bane (Hellhammer), paint 3x Punisher Gatling Cannon weapons 100 24
@Kyle K finish construction of kill rig sub assemblies and prime them finish another large ruin finish 3 big shoota boyz 100 22
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint killaboss on corpserippa weirdnob shaman 2 warchantas Megaboss Lazer eye shaman 6 gore gruntas 10 orruk brutes 3 boltboys 5 ard boys 100 21
@Turtle Corpse build prime prep battle ready 3 vargeihsts build prime prep 10 blood knights build prime prep 1 prince vhordrahai 100 21
@Heinzz finalize boltercon list for 40K &amp; AOS. Build/paint wraiths for raffle army 100 19
@Kororuk repaint/assemble and Paint 16 legionaries/chosen, 1 cultist, 5 possessed and 2 raptors. 100 13
@Christian Paint 20 more Janissaries Paint 10 Iron Hands Assault Destroyers Build 5 Iron Hands Recon Squad/Seekers 100 7
@inkskull finish 20 2x2; EOTV warlord portraits in ink\watercolor; send out for a test giclee print; paint the last damn poxwalker 60 5
@Lance Prepare and Paint 7 man Plague Marine Squad 0 5
@Mornhaven Paint and base 3 Ironstriders 100 4
@GabeNewhall prime and paint 10 man relic terminator squad 100 3
@JoeB - paint possessed cultists - finish Daemonette squad 33 3
@Queen City Guard - (John) finish parade ready Knight Castigator, 10 parade ready Legion Breachers, 5 parade ready Legion Heavy Autocannons and 5 parade ready Legion volkite Culverins 100 2
@Hause -build Primus Medicae Cataphractii Praetor 4 apothecaries 10 red hand destroyers 10 mk IV assault marines 40 mk III despoilers 10 mk VI tactical support marines 1 deimos rhino 0 2
@vee 1 company commander 4 models from elucdian star striders 1 voidsman proxy 0 1
@Hodgepodge assemble and paint tactical marine squad 100 0
@Ed assemble all characters except for c'tan and finish 50 bases 100 0
@Brent paint 40k woods, paint warhound Titan, build reaver Titan, build chimera 0 0
@SuddenlyBears convert a unit of destroyers to plasma, per last month, get 6 destroyers and 5 kbots to battle ready, + 3 more kbots up to battle ready, add &quot;windowsills&quot; to bases. Add glow to plasma and arc kataphrons. 100 0
@Peter battle ready the dorf box build and prime 4 necron cars 0 0
@Franko finish eradicators paint Redemptor and Apothecary 0 0
@Mett Droid Har Kuron painted, Sans Bases 22 0

September 2022

  • 16
  • 10
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse paint 2 Haemotrope Reactors. Build and paint Sacristan Forgeshrine. 100 25
@solofiredfirst paint 30x necron warriors (no bases); paint 9x scarabs (no base); assemble, magnetize, prime 4x Hunter Killer Missiles 100 23
@Kyle K finish 10 beast snaggas, finish 4 more ork buildings, finish city ruin 100 21
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S finish 40k army for boltercon 100 20
@Turtle Corpse paint 1 doomstalker to battle ready Touch up another doomstalker 100 20
@Heinzz assemble and paint 3 Necron vehicles 100 18
@Kororuk assemble, paint and base - 10 cultists and 5 chosen. Paint and base 4 Raptors and 5 legionaries . 100 12
@Christian assemble 10 assault destroyers, 5 tartaros terminators, and paint 20 headless Janisarries (still trying to find replacement/casting method) 100 6
@SuddenlyBears get 8 Kastelan Robots to battle ready, get another 6 destroyers to battle ready. 60 4
@inkskull prime deathshroud termies; paint daemon prince and squad champion to battle ready 100 4
@Lance Prepare and Paint 10 man Poxwalker squad 100 4
@Ed 50 Necron bases for raffle army. Maybe more who knows!? 0 4
@Mornhaven Paint and base 10 Vanguard and 1 Dunerider 100 3
@GabeNewhall prime and paint gravis captain, prime and paint Cypher 100 2
@JoeB finish modding and paint infernal enrapturess, build possessed cultist box 100 2
@Queen City Guard - (John) Paint to Parade Ready 10 man Legion Support Squad w/ Plasma, Paint to Parade Ready 10 man Legion Tactical Squad w/ Bayonets, Paint to Parade Ready 1x Contemptor Dread, Paint to Parade Ready 1 x Legion Spartan 100 1
@Hause build 1 terrax pattern Termite assault drill, 1 dreadnought drop pod, 5 world eaters red butchers terminators, and 1 Space marine legion praevian 100 1
@Brent paint 40 guardsmen, paint wyvern, paint chimera, paint 5 scions, paint company commander, paint yarrick 0 0
@TheRealHughMann Paint to Battle ready status 20x Neophyte Hybrids, 20x Purestrain Genestealers, 9x Abberants, 10x Acolyte Hybrids, 1x Achilles Ridgerunner 0 0
@vee battle ready 60 conscripts 1 company commander 1 rogue trader hq 100 0
@TheTinker13 finish 15 bases 0 0
@Dave Finish building converted Necron Nagash (leg day!), paint cultists and dark commune, finish bloodletters 0 0
@GoldenSupreme paint 2 war dog stalkers, paint 2 war dog brigands 25 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint Purple Sun Assemble 20 Zombies Assemble 10 Dire Wolves 66 0
@Hodgepodge paint up abbadon (and deal with his jank ass sword) and the justaerin, and the reaver squad to battle ready status 85 0
@Talderius Obtain and assemble 20 Necron Warriors and 10 Necron Immortals 0 0

August 2022

  • 18
  • 6
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build and paint Dunecrawler with Neutron Laser Build and paint Transterranic Gantries Clean resin of Reaver Titan 100 24
@solofiredfirst paint Catachan Tank Commander 100 22
@Kyle K finish 2 ruins finish WAAAAGGH banner finish 3 small hovels finish 2 large hovels finish 3 Boss nobs with klaws 100 20
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint sunshark bomber Paint 10 pathfinders Paint 3 castellax Paint praevian 100 19
@Turtle Corpse 1st phase (metallic base, gloss, wash) 5 chosen 1st phase (metallic base, gloss, wash) Base coat 5 havocs Touch up 5 CSM and one lord Battle ready 10 necron warriors Battle ready 1 doomstalker 100 19
@Heinzz finalize HH paint scheme Assemble and paint 5 Eldar Rangers 100 17
@Kororuk assemble, paint and base 1 Possessed and 10 figures from the CSM Kill team box. 100 11
@Christian Finish painting the first squad of half-done Medusan Immortals Paint 20 tactical marines Paint 5 terminators 100 5
@NateRay Assemble and Paint 6 Screamers. Assemble and Paint 6 Flamers. 0 4
@wilsonwy Assemble yucky MDF terrain ? 0 3
@Jake H Toxicrene to battle ready build 10 MKVI Marines 35 3
@Lance Finish Boltercon Teaser Film 100 3
@inkskull build &amp; magnetize Deimos rhino; paint foetid bloat drone to table top standard; finish converting Nurgle daemon prince; finish converting plague marine squad champion; watercolor image of Thuna 100 3
@Ed Battle ready 5 NL terminators and new Vandros model 100 3
@SuddenlyBears get 6 destroyers battle ready, get a datasmith battle ready, build 10 pteraxii 100 3
@Mornhaven Paint and base Stratoraptor 100 2
@Peter receive, build, prime, and paint to battle ready up to 2000 pts for crusade build and prime everything else I have paint a few marines to test legion colors 100 1
@JoeB paint 10 chaos terminators 100 1
@GabeNewhall Prime and Paint my Deathwing Landraider, prime and paint 3 man plasma inceptor squad 100 1
@EonFenrir (Devon) Paint Knight Errant Paint 2 Helverin Build Nagash Build 20 death rattle skeletons 50 1
@GoldenSupreme Paint 2 war dog stalkers Paint 10 new bases and transfer custodes models on to them. 0 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) Finish 10 man Legion despoiler squad Finish Leviathon Dreadnaught Finish 5 man ML squad Finish 5 man rotocannon squad 100 0
@Edca build Spartan Assault Tank and build Karazai 0 0
@Hause build spartan assault tank 100 0

July 2022

  • 20
  • 4
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse paint and base 2 armiger warglaives, Surprise 24 month hobby challenge 100 23
@solofiredfirst paint 3 Catachan Leman Russes 100 21
@Kyle K finish construction of AOD box finish one boomdakka snazzwagon finish 4 ruin walley things 100 19
@Turtle Corpse Battle Ready 1 Vengorian Lord, Battle Ready 1 Necromancer, Prime Black all built Necron models 100 18
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint 10 tactical marines, Paint 10 heavy support marines, Paint 1 hammerhead, Rebase 5 tyrant terminators 100 18
@Heinzz build 80 mark 6 marines, build 10 cataphracti termies, build 2 praetors, Build 1 spartan, Build/magnetize 2 contemptors 100 16
@Kororuk assemble, paint and base 2 venom crawlers, 8 Khorne berzerkers, 1 legionary. 100 10
@Christian Build 10 terminators Prime 40 Iron Hands Infantry Build Spartan Assault Tank (If they come in on time) Put volkite chargers on remaining imortals 100 4
@NateRay Complete 20 Pink Horrors. Finish terrain board. 100 3
@Hause build, paint, light up sylvaneth endless spells 0 3
@inkskull bring 2 mephitic blight haulers to battle ready, bring 2 poxwalkers to battle ready 100 2
@Lance Prepare and Paint Crashed Shuttle from Battle for Macragge. 100 2
@SuddenlyBears bring up to battle-ready: 1 dominus , 15 electro priests, and 5 skitarii 100 2
@Ed paint 1250 crusade force and assemble 1500 crusade force 100 2
@Jake H Battle ready Trygon Prime, Build Spartan Assault Tank, Build 10 MkVI Marines, Build Imperial Fist Legion Praetor 100 2
@wilsonwy Paint a Free Blade Knight!!! 100 2
@Mornhaven Paint and base 5 Sterilizers. Make, paint and base 8 Ruststalkers 100 1
@GoldenSupreme Paint 1 blade champion, Paint 1 caladius grav tank, Paint 3 vertus praetors. 0 0
@Peter paint up to 1500 points of necrons crusade, shade and highlight 4 HQ, redo 20 warrior and 1 RW guns 100 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) paint knight crusader, Paint knight castellan 100 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 30 beakies, Finish spartan 0 0
@JoeB paint noise marine, build 5 legionaries, paint 5 legionaries 100 0
@vee paint 20 baby marines for hh 0 0
@GabeNewhall build 3 man bike squad, paint attack bike, paint last outrider, paint bike squad 100 0

June 2022

  • 17
  • 7
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Prime and paint Sir Hekthur - Canis Rex pilot Build and prime 2 Warglaives 100 22
@solofiredfirst paint primaris chappy on bike and 4x Aggressors 100 20
@Kyle K Finish 4 burna boyz and spanner, Finish nob with powerklaw, Finish Orkymandius, Finish 1 piece of terrain 100 18
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S -paint crisis commander -setup 3d printer - build and magnetize contempor dreadnought -paint warsmith and siegebreaker 100 17
@Turtle Corpse Finish 5 bloodknights Paint 1 night scythe Touch up 5 havocs Touch up 5 chaos marines 100 17
@Heinzz prime board of sigmar terrain paint board of sigmar terrain 100 15
@Kororuk Paint and base 1 Venom Crawler, 1 Infernal Master and 1 Warpsmith. 100 9
@Christian Paint 10 Night Lord Legionnaires Paint entire Blood Bowl Monkey Team with Celestial Harambe 100 3
@Hause build, prime, and paint 5 sylvaneth dryads 100 2
@NateRay Finish Lord of Change. Redo all Tzeentch Bases in new scheme. 100 2
@JoeB finish rhino Build knight abominant Paint knight abominant 20 1
@Kyle F Paint 750pts of crusade force and get 2 crusade games in 20 1
@Jake H Build and paint to Battle Ready Parasite of Mortrex Build and paint to Battle Ready 3 Venomthropes Get 10 Gargoyles from 3 colors to proper Battle Ready 100 1
@wilsonwy Paint 5 Tempestus Scions and a new Paladin model. Clean terrain out of my gun case, if it isn’t just plastic goop by now. 100 1
@Lance Build, prime and paint 5-man squad of Blightlord Terminators. 100 1
@SuddenlyBears make technoarchaeologist battle ready make Onager dunecrawler battle ready make 6 kataphron breachers battle ready 100 1
@inkskull build &amp; prime remaining 2 plague marines; get 4 marines up to battle ready; get remaining marine infantry green basecoated 100 1
@Ed Paint 5 chaos terminators and 5 raptors 100 1
@GoldenSupreme Paint a shield captain in allarus terminator armor to completion. Paint a caladius grav tank to completion. Build and paint a war dog karnivore and stalker to completion. 0 0
@Mornhaven Paint Skorpius Disintegrator Update paint scheme and base 5 Skitarii Rangers 100 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 2 terminators and base 5. Paint drop pod and deredeo 45 0
@Brent finish warhound build 2nd warhound build reaver 0 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) Paint a Spartan Paint 20 mkIII Marines to ride in it 20 0
@TheRealHughMann 10 stormboyz to battle ready status 1 0

May 2022

  • 19
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse paint 2 Helverins and finish building 5 deathwing knights 100 21
@solofiredfirst build and prime chaplain on bike, 3x Aggressors 100 19
@Kyle K finish burna boyz squad, mek, one cities of death building 100 17
@Turtle Corpse Touch up 1 termie lord Touch up 5 old termies Finish 5 new termies Basecoat 5 blood knights Prep/prime 1 night scythe 100 16
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Build myself a new hobby space Build+prime 20 legionaries Build+prime moritat 100 16
@Heinzz Assemble and paint entire 40k table worth of terrain. assemble 30 chaos cultists assemble entire AoS board of terrain. 100 14
@Kororuk Master of possession, 10 Chaos Space Marines, 2 Obliterators, 2 Greater Possessed, Painted and based. 100 8
@Nick (Furdog) Bring 5 Sacresants, 10 Novitiates, and 5 Retributors to battle ready. 0 4
@normanthesquid Paint PREDATOR INDOMITUS 0 4
@Christian build 15 chaos space marines, prime all dragon ogres and Janissaries that are able to be 100 2
@NateRay Complete the following to battle ready. 1x Changeling, 20x Pink Horrors, 1x Exalted Flamer, 3x Flamers, 3x Screamers. Finish 8x Cartograph Terminals for Chapter 1 of Echoes from the Void. 100 1
@Hause clean up hobby space from maypoc craziness, build 2 slaughterpriests and 1 skullgrinder 100 1
@Kyle F Assemble 500 points of CSM for crusade by the 14th 100 0
@Lance Build and Paint 3 Man Squad of Deathshroud Terminators. 100 0
@Ed Paint 500pts of Night Lords for Crusade 100 0
@JoeB build 10 noise marines 100 0
@BaconChancellor Battle Ready 15 Hormagaunts 3 colors on 10 gargoyles 100 0
@Randicore Paint 3 &quot;Bullgryn&quot; Paint Leman Russ Assemble, base, and prime Earthshaker Crew Paint Earthshaker Battery Build and paint Guardsman With Voxcaster Build and Paint 2 Guardsmen with special weapons 100 0
@wilsonwy paint my grandmaster for Crusade. 100 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint a shield captain for crusade Paint a blade champion for crusade Paint 3 allarus terminators for crusade. Finalize paint scheme for thousand sons. Build 5 scarab occult. 0 0
@Gapesmith Build and prime 5 infiltrators Finish and base 10 electropriests 0 0
@EonFenrir (Devon) Finish painting Mega Gargant Paint 10 Rubric Marines Prime 3 Mega Gargants Assemble Helbrute 0 0
@TheTinker13 20 neophyte hybrids battle ready, magus and primus battle ready, goliath truck battle ready, 5 acolytes battle ready. 0 0
@SuddenlyBears Prime and Basecoat 10 Sicarians Assemble and Basecoat 1 Manipulus 100 0
@TheRealHughMann Base 20 ork Boyz, Base 1 deff dread, Paint 1 trukk 0 0
@Edca Magnetize at least 100 Tau for travel 19 0
@inkskull bring 500 pts of death guard to tabletop standard (vectorums gonna vector) 100 0

April 2022

  • 12
  • 5
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Completely finish painting Titan Warhound, weapons and all. Prepare display table for Maypoc Maypoc!!! 100 20
@solofiredfirst paint 3 tiger stripe Leman Russ tanks 100 18
@Kyle K finish looted warhound finish trukk, finish battlewagon, finish 9 warbikers, finish 7 deffkoptas 100 16
@Turtle Corpse Finish 20 Skelton warriors Build, base, and base coat 5 choose termies 100 15
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S finish painting 2k list for try-hard-athon 100 15
@Heinzz Paint Avatar of Khaine finalize list for try hard\maypoc 100 13
@Kororuk Sorcerer in Terminator Armor a Havoc Launcher and a Mini Chain Gunner Chaos Marine. (it's all I have) 100 7
@normanthesquid Publish rules Publish players packet MAYPOC! 100 3
@Nick (Furdog) Build and prime 5 Sacresants and 10 Novitiates 100 3
@Christian finish current Janissary army for RTT (55 Janissaries, 6 Bullgryn, ~5 support staff), make at least 1/2 of mold for death masks 100 1
@inkskull finish basecoating the green armor on all death guard units, finish basecoating the flesh of 30 poxwalker, finish basecoating all colors on my irons hands squad of 5 0 1
@GoldenSupreme build and prime 10 dawnbreaker marines, paint 2 contemptor galatus dreadnoughts. 0 0
@NateRay Complete sub-assembly on Lord of Change. 100 0
@Ed Paint 5 Black Templar Assault Intercessors. 0 0
@TheRealHughMann build, paint, base 1 redemptor, 1 gravis captain, water sticker remaining primaris marines 0 0
@Hause wash, build, prime Warlord Titan Sunfury Pattern Plasma Annihilator, prime Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Laser Blasters and Warlord Titan Arioch Power Claw 100 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 2 armiger warglaives 0 0

March 2022

  • 12
  • 11
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build, pin, epoxy lower portion of warhound titan. Get whole warhound minimum primed and base coated. Fully paint galvanic magnavent and ferratonic furnance 100 19
@solofiredfirst paint 3 Catachan tiger stripe camo Leman Russes, decide on color scheme for 2022 raffle army 100 17
@Kyle K finish the construction of the warhound, at least to logical subassemblies for painting finish my meganobz build trukk 100 15
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S paint 10 iron warriors 100 14
@Turtle Corpse paint 30 zombies; pin 5 blood knights to base; metallic base coat on 20 skeletons 100 14
@Heinzz paint webway gate Assemble / prime 20 storm guardians Repair and paint Phantom Titans sword Strip 5 waveserpents 3 night spinners 12 wind riders 1 fire prism. 100 12
@Lance Build and Paint Mortarion 30 6
@Kororuk 5 Havocs and 5 Possessed. 100 6
@Hause trim, wash, and assemble 1 set of Warlord Titan Laser Blasters and 2 Warlord Titan Arioch Power Claws 66 4
@Nick (Furdog) Get 3 Paragon Warsuits to battle ready. 100 2
@vee 9 models of razorwing flocks 1 beastmasger Webway gate 100 2
@Edca Paint Taunar Arm Weapons Paint Stormsurge 0 2
@normanthesquid Revise FUNDAMEGAPOCALYPSE rules Identify units that need Fundapoc rules Add rules for some (5?) units 100 2
@inkskull finish painting my fabulous 4 necromunda hangers and paint a test scheme for iron hands successor on a terminator 100 0
@JoeB finish last months goal 0 0
@Christian build 30 Janissaries and prime them 100 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 10 30k assault marines to completion. 0 0
@Gapesmith finish painting tech priest manipulus and tech priest dominus 0 0
@Ed Paint 5 Black Templar Assault Intercessors 0 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) March is for characters Primaris apothecary Primaris chaplain and Forge World Asterion Moloc 33 0
@Brent Paint 20 fire warriors Paint cadre fireblade Paint ethereal on hoverdrone Paint 2 hammerheads 0 0
@TheTinker13 53 gsc bases 0 0

February 2022

  • 13
  • 13
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Cut out and shape all parts of warhound titan (except pistons, those I need to keep labelled) Build, pin and epoxy top half of warhound Paint all interior rooms of top half of warhound Build and prime hector rex 100 18
@solofiredfirst Build and prime 5 Leman Russes 100 16
@Kyle K clean up the casting stuff from the warhound build one leg of the warhound build 3 meganobs, prime and base 6 meganobs 100 14
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Build 30 kroot carnivores Print 5 more krootox Print 12 more kroot hounds Paint 36 kroot hounds Paint 10 kroot carnivores Paint 3 krootox 100 13
@Turtle Corpse Finish 1 chaos rhino Move hobby space to new house 100 13
@Heinzz assemble 12 shroud runners, 2 autarchs and 10 rangers 100 11
@Christian Buy and build aircraft for Janissaries Make 10 gaming tokens/cards each for Janissaries &amp; Kastelai 75 8
@NateRay Finish a terrain piece for the new Daemon board. 0 6
@Lance Build and paint Mr. Robute Gulliman 100 5
@Kororuk 2 chaos spawn, 3 chaos bikers, 1 plague marine champion 100 5
@Ed Paint Black Templar assault intercessor squad (5 man) 0 3
@Hause build and prime red harvest terrain 100 3
@normanthesquid Assemble and organize: Blackstone Fortress: Ascension Blackstone Fortress: Escalation Blackstone Fortress: Deadly Alliance Blackstone Fortress: The Dreaded Ambull 100 1
@Nick (Furdog) Build and prime Paragon Warsuits 100 1
@vee Assemble, paint and base 20 kabolites Finish reaper 100 1
@JoeB Build: Impulsor Paint: Impulsor Paint: Redemptor 25 1
@Edca Build: Skies of Fire - Aeronautica Build: Tiger Shark Fighter-Bombers - Aeronautica Build: Remoras - Aeronautica 100 1
@inkskull Finish greenstuff sculpts for remaining 4 sumphulk necromunda warband Prime and paint remaining 4 Build/paint bases for all 5 in warband 60 1
@Gapesmith Paint- finish 5 rangers Paint- finish tech priest manipulus Build/prime- tech priest dominus 2 0
@Brent build skyray gunship; Strip paint from used hammerhead; Prime skyray gunship, 2 hammerheads, devilfish; Paint 20 fire warriors; Paint cadre fireblade 60 0
@GoldenSupreme Paint 3 vertus praetors Paint 1 contemptor-galatus. 0 0
@Kyle F Paint my squad of plague marines and attach a hand to my champion that's already primed... 0 0
@BaconChancellor paint x10 neophytes minus bases, assemble 1 goliath Rockgrinder 0 0
@TheRealHughMann paint 10 fire warriors, paint R’Varna XV 107 battlesuit 0 0
@Queen City Guard - (John) paint 10x intercessors, finish painting 3x Agreesor, 3x inceptor, 3x outriders. 60 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 20 neophytes 0 0

January 2022

  • 18
  • 2
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build, prime and paint Tech-Priest Manipulus. Build remaining aeronautica planes I have (2) and prime all I have (12) 100 17
@solofiredfirst Assemble, magnetize and prime 5 Leman Russ tanks 100 15
@Kyle K build 1 looted land raider, 1 rukkatrukk squig buggy, 6 warbikes, 1 painboss 100 13
@Turtle Corpse assemble and prime revenant legion; paint 10 dead walkers 100 12
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint 6 stealth suits Paint ghostkeel and accompanying drones. 100 12
@Heinzz build/prime/basecoat 9 Eldar Nightwings and 3 Eldar Phoenix bombers. 100 10
@Christian build 12 goddamn dragon ogres and see what happens 100 7
@NateRay Finish 10x Khorne Flesh Hounds. Finish 6x Khorne Bloodcrushers. Finish 10x Daemon Furies. 100 5
@Lance Assemble and Paint Death Guard Rhino 100 4
@Kororuk Finish up 5 chaos cultists, 1 Daemon Prince, 7 Chaos Space marines, 2 Greater Possessed, 1 Predator Tank. 100 4
@Hause build last 7 underworlds warbands 100 2
@Ed Finish a GK Stormraven Gunship 100 2
@GoldenSupreme Paint a blade champion Paint 5 custodian guard Paint 3 vertus praetors 50 0
@vee finish hellions !goals add finish raider 100 0
@Comrade Klar paint/base 6 inceptors 0 0
@Nick (Furdog) Finish squad of Zephyrim Paint 3 Eradicators 100 0
@Edca Unpack and Organize Hobby/Office 100 0
@inkskull Finish painting the riders + mounts + bases of khorne bloodcrushers 100 0
@normanthesquid Finish assembling Pariah Nexus Send out initial info for Maypoc 2022! 100 0
@JoeB paint 15 Black Templar infantry models 100 0

December 2021

  • 12
  • 9
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Paint and base a creamy white Stratoraptor 100 16
@solofiredfirst get `!goals add` and `!goals update` basically working 100 14
@Kyle K Hobby goals for Decembork, finish the Kill rig, build a battlewagon, finish at minimum the wheels for the deathrolla battlefortress 100 12
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Paint up the killteam starter terrain, Magnetize a ghostkeel, Paint 500 pts of ogors 100 11
@Turtle Corpse Finish painting Cryx battlebox, Print at least one waterslide decal sheet ready for use, Paint a Charnel guard test model 100 11
@Heinzz December is to finish assembling and then prime my Necron FLG terrain 100 9
@Christian Goal this month is to build bullgryns and move all my models into storage 100 6
@NateRay remove 120 daemonettes from their base. Assemble one new khorne model from my latest GW order 100 4
@Kororuk paint &amp; base: 5 chaos space marines, 10 terminators, 6 chosen 100 3
@Lance 7 man squad of Plague marines this month, build and paint all Chalnath terrain 100 3
@floudie Complete 1 Starweaver, 4 Skyweavers, 1 Troupe Master and 1 Troupe 0 2
@TheTinker13 my December goal is to sculpt and paint a custom slaanesh lord. 0 2
@Ed My December goal will be to paint a Hero Quest mini, finish AI starter box, and paint a Black Templar test model 100 1
@Hause my December goal will be to build 4 underworlds warbands 100 1
@Albert Deliver Secret Santa gift on time 0 1
@TheRealHughMann 6 ork warbikers paint and base 0 1
@Comrade Klar Build, paint, and base 6 Inceptors 0 1
@vee paint a test model in a way that could be iron hands or iron fists so that i can magnetize iron fists stuff to a knight and go chaos or loyalist 0 1
@GoldenSupreme build and paint two armiger warglaives 0 0
@normanthesquid assemble kill team: pariah Nexus, paint 3 orks 0 0
@Kyle F finish a warpwolf I started earlier in the year, assemble a killteam squad of Deathguard and test paint one. 66 0

November 2021

  • 22
  • 3
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse build and paint 10 skitarii vanguard. Paint another dragoon. Get ready ready for invitational!!! 100 15
@solofiredfirst Jungle board, Invitational 2021 painting competition coordination 100 13
@Kyle K finish megatrakk scrappjet, finish and name warboss, have a blast at the invitational 100 11
@wilsonwy Paint a Stormraven and Herald of Khorne on Juggernaught 0 11
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S hobby goal this month is to paint a single assassin and successfully print a krootox with both my sanity and marriage intact. 100 10
@Turtle Corpse Base all of the models finished in Oct; Finish 1 chronomancer (base included) 100 10
@Heinzz Finalize every model in my invitational list. & finish Age of Sigmar terrain starter set. 100 8
@Christian Paint Night Lord Terminator Lord, Complete basing for NL, Magnetize entire NL army 100 5
@NateRay complete 13 table overlays for Invitational 2021 100 3
@Lance finish painting 5 man squad of Heavy Intercessors. 100 2
@KONY2021 Build Necron half of elite starter box 100 2
@Kororuk 1 helbrute, 1 heldrake, 2 warp tallons, 2 raptors, 5 possessed, 7 plague marines 100 2
@floudie Warlock skyrunner; War walker; 3 bright lances; 4 Aeldari missile launchers 100 1
@TheTinker13 9 bladeguard Primaris tech marine Librarian Redemptor dreadnought 100 1
@vee 2x Wych Raider Crew members, razor Wing Jetfighter, Archon, Drazahr 100 0
@normanthesquid assemble kill team: pariah Nexus, paint 3 orks 23 0
@Ed Finish my 17 Grey Knight duders and two razorbacks before the Invitational. 100 0
@Comrade Klar Finish Invitational army 100 0
@TheRealHughMann Finish Invitational army 100 0
@BaconChancellor Finish Invitational army 100 0
@GoldenSupreme November goal: build and paint 6 venatari to minimum battle ready standard. 22 0
@dynnslayer Finish Invitational army 100 0
@Brent 30 poxwalkers 4 possessed 4 plague marines 1 malignant plague caster 1 chaos spawn 100 0
@Albert 2 bridges 100 0
@Hause my November goal is build 4 aeronautica storm eagles 0 0

October 2021

  • 15
  • 12
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Orktober goals: paint and base 3 ironstriders. Build and paint admech marshall. Build and prime 10 admech rangers 100 14
@solofiredfirst Finish 5x Heavy Intercessors, 5x Eradications, Primaris Captain, Primaris Apothecary, Redemptor Dreadnought 100 12
@Kyle K Orktober goals, finish 3 more kommandos, finish 5 stormboyz, build 4 good bitz/Retrieve orktarius data counters, finish the trophy rack/backup weapons on the warboss 100 10
@wilsonwy Spiff up the BaD Ork Town terrain, paint 3 Purifiers, paint my board’s next large Obscuring terrain, finish my 4 Retrieve Octarius Data servo skulls. 100 10
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Finish the salamanders for the invitational, Build my other 1k points of koolboys, Paint 20 gutrippas, Paint 1 sludgeraker, Paint 3 bolt boys, 100 9
@Turtle Corpse Finish painting (no bases): 20 Warriors, 5 Immortals, 3 Wraiths, 5 Deathmarks, Technomancer, Psychomancer, Skorpekh Lord, 5 Scarabs, Overlord, Triarch Stalker, Doomsday Ark, Annihilation Barge 100 9
@Heinzz Finish bases for 2k invitational army. Prime/paint Ahriman. Prime/paint 5 rubrics, 5 scarab terms 2 chaos spawns. 100 7
@Christian Goal is to finish 40 Zombies and 3 more vargheists 100 4
@vee 4x Wracks, Red Venom, Ravager, Green Venom, Razorwing Jetfighter 30 2
@NateRay Assemble and prime one model 100 2
@Lance Build and paint full squad Blightlord Terminators (5 models); Captain Uriel Ventris BLack Libary 2021 100 1
@normanthesquid Paint 3 Octarius orks (not including base) 0 1
@Ed finish painting 2 justicars with halberd, 10 strike marines with swords, 4 dread knights, 5 interceptors, and Draigo 69 1
@Comrade Klar Painted but not based: 6 Suppressors; 6 Eliminators; 2 Gladiator Lancers; Repulsor; 67 1
@KONY2021 October Goals: Paint/base 5 Vanguard Vets, Paint/base 3 Outriders, Base 10 intercessors, 100 1
@Kororuk goal make 1 dark Apostle, 2 dark disciples, 1 hellbrute, 5 chosen, 2 chainsword noise marines, 1 raptor, 1 dark mechanicus and 1 forgefiend 100 1
@Aaron Serafin Build and paint my Sector Munitorum terrain so I can play some dang kill team 0 1
@Djthephleb494 my goal is to build and paint my 500 pt tau army 0 1
@JoeB finish terrain board for the Bolters at Dawn Invitational 2021 event 100 0
@TheRealHughMann a rhino and the final killteam for BaD (6x shotgun, 2x infernus, 2x frag cannon) 44 0
@floudie Mine are a night spinner and a warlock skyrunner 100 0
@BaconChancellor Assemble 10 Stormcast Vindictors, 5 Battle Ready Hormagaunts, 5 Battle Ready Genestealers 0 0
@GoldenSupreme Finish painting 10 sagittarum, Finish painting trajann "the trashman" valoris, Build 6 venatari 22 0
@TheTinker13 Paint 2 impulsors Paint primaris chaplain on bike Paint 15 assault intersesors 100 0
@Albert assemble and paint a lictor and build 3 pieces of scaffolding for my city board -877 0
@dynnslayer Finish painting 21 rubric Marines Paint 1 heldrake Paint & Build 5 scarab occult sorcerers 54 0
@Brent paint my daemon prince, paint my 10 possessed, build/paint my tallyman, paint my plague surgeon, paint my malignant plaguecaster 0 0

September 2021

  • 17
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse September goals for me: Finish painting the 5 chaos knights, paint 10 chaos warriors and build 3 Ironstrider Ballistarius 100 13
@solofiredfirst Paint 9x Outriders, 5x Storm Shield Vet Arms, 5x Vanguard Vets 100 11
@Kyle K Septembork hobby goals: finish the beast snagga boyz, beast boss, kommandos, and the octarius fort/ruins 100 9
@wilsonwy My goal for September will be to paint one of my 5 Dreadknights and to paint up another pipeline for my table. 100 9
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S goal this month is to get 9 crisis suits to battle ready 100 8
@Turtle Corpse Paint and base 500 point list of my Necrons 100 8
@Heinzz Goal is to assemble and kitbash 2 dreadnaughts and magnetize them.\ and then prime them. 100 6
@JoeB push my 500 points of kruleboyz to 1500 points 0 4
@Christian goal is to finish Prince Vhordrai, the Vargheists, and Vargskyr 100 3
@Zaodius paint my own Yndrasta, wrap up three commissions; Gotrek, BugmanssonXI and a DND hero. Finally I will be getting 10 dnd monsters painted up 0 2
@Bomb Squig Battle ready Rukkatrukk Squidbuggies x3 0 2
@vee sept finish voidbomber and 2 raiders 100 1
@NateRay 4 guards, telemon, 1 sword and 1 spear dreads, 1 FW bike, 1 terminator vex 100 1
@TheRealHughMann 3 squighog boys to battle standard, 20 beast snaggas at least base coated 0 0
@Lance my sept goals are to build/paint Biolougus Putrifier, Foul Blightspawn and Lord Felthius (and cohort) 100 0
@normanthesquid Build Octarius 100 0
@BaconChancellor Assemble 5 Paladins 0 0
@Hause finish the halo light wiring, magnetize all my gw paints for my 4 paint racks, set up my 3 tool rack boards and place all hobby tools, assemble 2 new paint brush holders, and redo all my gw paints with drop tops and agitators 0 0
@Ed I am going to completely finish 5 interceptors, assemble 15 strike/interceptors, and assemble two dreadknights. 100 0
@GoldenSupreme My September goal is going to be paint 10 sagittarum guard 0 0
@Albert Will he do it? Will he evacuate the bone zone? Spoiler alert: LMAO -544 0
@Comrade Klar Captain, 2 Lt's, Chaplain, 10 Infiltrators, 5 Heavy Intercessors, 4 Aggressor --> Built and painted 100 0
@KONY2021 September Goals are to finish converting Vanguard Vets, build/convert the rest of the elite edition box, and paint the rest of the space marine start collecting set 100 0
@Kororuk My goal is paint 10 raptor/warp talons, 5 chosen and 3 bikers. 100 0
@Recl I'm setting a goal of painting space marine, tyranid, and tau kill teams 100 0
@Djthephleb494 Paint 1 commisar 100 0

August 2021

  • 13
  • 8
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Build and prime entire Start Collecting Slaves to Darkness box. 100 12
@solofiredfirst Paint 5 intercessor bodies, 2x Agressors, 2x Hellblasters; Deploy Invitational 2021 registration site 100 10
@caveman build 20 beast snagga boyz, finish 3 squig hog riders and nob on smasha squig, build/bash beastboss, build nob for savage boyz, retool 1 deff dread to have 4 melee arms, build a legal squad of deffkoptas, build and up armor 2 big squigs for future projects... 100 8
@wilsonwy paint my friend’s Redemptor and Techmarine, and finally…. Give my complete everything to paint that new Castellan Crowe model so he can lead my Purifiers. 100 8
@aThornbury Finish Maulerfiend; Finish 10 Necron Warriors 100 7
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S build and paint commander farsight. 100 7
@Heinzz Assemble, prime, and base 2x AoS new terrain sets 100 5
@JoeB -paint 600 points of kruleboyz -start on SoB helbrute kitbash -set up my fdm printer and complete one test print for BaD invitational terrain 100 3
@Rhace Magnetize 100 models' bases for transport aka Magneto Mode 100 2
@Ryan Assemble command edition Space Marines, Librarian on bike and ATV. Prime models and finish all bases. 0 1
@Bomb Squig I think I will pledge to get 5 vanguard veterans built, 5 blightlord terminators built and felthius' cohort 100 1
@Zaodius hobby goals for August are to finish these Lord of the rings models including bases (25 models total) and to foamcraft up 5 bookcases 100 1
@normanthesquid Eat SurstrΓΆmming twice -22 0
@Ed My goal will be to assemble/prime a Land Raider Banisher and paint 5 Grey Knight Interceptors 3.3 0
@Hause Build 19 warbands 0 0
@Mortrid Invitational media hype pack, dunk Custodes army in the purple drink 100 0
@GoldenSupreme So my August goal will be to finish the 4 vertus praetors and finish building my 30k blood angels legion which includes: 30 assault marines; 3 apothecaries; 10 dawnbreakers; 2 javelin attack speeders; 1 arcus strike tank; Sanguinius 0 0
@Albert Do anything other than play Rust and talk about all the hobbying he might do one day maybe -468 0
@BaconChancellor Assemble remaining 3 annihilators and 4 Vindictors from Dominion box; Assemble 5 Paladins; Battle ready Carnifex; Prime Dominion models and paladins; 3 color minimum on 5 hormagaunts 75 0
@vee Paint 1 raider 100 0
@TheTinker13 I am going to get 10 arkanaughts, 2 gun haulers, a khemist, and admiral to battle ready for this month. 0 0

July 2021

  • 12
  • 12
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Bel'akor, and finish painting all my pink (x10), blue (x10) and brimstone (x10) horrors 100 11
@solofiredfirst Paint 10 intercessor bodies and 5x ABR arms, paint 4x shotgun vets 100 9
@normanthesquid Finish assembling 6 Aeronautica Tiger Sharks; Prime Aeronautica Tau Planes; Prime all Underworlds Warbands; Block in colors on at least 1 Warband; 5 8
@caveman clean and organize my hobby area, get the Tamiya drill assembled, I am going to add sealing, priming and getting base colors on those buildings to my July hobby goal. 100 7
@wilsonwy paint a 2x2' display board for my army 100 7
@aThornbury Battle ready 5 warp talons, 1 sorcerer, 5 terminators. Airbrush base coat of the Maulerfiend 100 6
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Get my Tau list for chaos storm to battleready (mostly weapons that need painting); Build and prime the tigershark; Finish a test model for the kruelboys; 100 6
@Ed My goal will be to assemble/prime a Land Raider Banisher and paint 5 Grey Knight Interceptors 54 5
@Hause my July goal will be to assemble 20 more underworlds warbands! 50 4
@Mortrid Invitational graphic design, test paint 1 daemonette 90 4
@Heinzz hobby goal is to paint the command edition terrain and Necron half 100 4
@197mmCannon 1 kit bashed soul grinder, 1 KoS, sigvald (No bases) 100 2
@GoldenSupreme paint 4 vertus praetors 0 2
@Rhace finish 5 Blood Knights and get base coats on 5 more Blood Knights 100 1
@Albert Do anything other than play Rust -233 1
@BaconChancellor Assemble remaining 3 annihilators and 4 Vindictors from Dominion box; Assemble 5 Paladins; Battle ready Carnifex; Prime Dominion models and paladins; 3 color minimum on 5 hormagaunts 0 1
@vee 3 raiders and finish remaining 4 starstriders 0 0
@floudie two war walkers and a 5 man fire dragon squad painted and based 0 0
@TheRealHughMann Paint and base 10 stormboyz; Paint and base 10 ork boyz 0 0
@Ryan fully paint and base a 3 man Reiver to decide on a color scheme for my army. 100 0
@Keeper Of the Silmarils Mine is to get my dark angels painted up (need more specificity here), as well as to paint up a complete set of Shadows of Brimstone 0 0
@Bomb Squig My july goals 1) Build Lord Kroak 2) 6 Battle Ready Thunderwolf Cavalry 3) Get my Terrain I printed the last month basecoated (three main colors) 100 0
@Jaysic - Paint my necromunda terrain - Paint all 3 Necromunda warbands - 30 Devilgaunts b/c why not 0 0
@Zaodius - Entire Dominion box set start to finish - 1 dwarf shop diorama insert, including video recording,editing and upload. - Local Mavericks terrain challenge completion and recording. 100 0

June 2021

  • 16
  • 5
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse 9 Varanguard and a Gaunt Summoner on Disc 100 10
@solofiredfirst Assemble and prime: 10x Intercessors w/ 5x ABR magnetized, 2x Hellblaster w/ Assualt Plasma, 8x Outriders, 3x Inceptors, 3x Aggressors, 6x Infiltrators w/ 1x Helix Adept 100 8
@normanthesquid Paint PREDATOR INDOMITUS, super secret goal 100 7
@caveman get my ork scrap piles/walls painted up, get the base sorted for the looted hound (purchased and halfway laid out), and 3+ ork buildings built 100 6
@wilsonwy Tempestus Scions start collecting box 2, minus the commissar and his wack hair-do: Electric Boogaloo. 100 6
@aThornbury Prep and Prime the following: 1 chaos sorcerer, 1 maulerfiend, 5 chaos termies, 5 warp talons, for a total of 25 PL. Finish the bases for the sorcerer, termies, and warp talons for a total of 11 bases 100 5
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Battle ready: 2 broadsides, 6 missile drones, 1 slaughtermaster, 1 butcher, 3 man-eaters, 2 invader ATVs. 100 5
@Ed My June goal will be to finish my land raider for crusade. 100 4
@vee Starstriders fully painted, Reaper assembled 44 4
@Heinzz assemble 48 unreleased 40k ork models of boyz size or larger 100 3
@Hause assemble 10 underworlds warbands 100 3
@Mortrid Paint D&D mini. Update administratum with inventory. Prep new batch of slaanesh demons for base coat. Assemble Syll’esske. 100 3
@197mmCannon -assemble and paint 3 cronos, -paint 10 grotesques, -assemble and paint 6 hedonites of slaanesh, -strip & paint dread pageant, 100 1
@GoldenSupreme I pledge to paint 5 aquilon terminators and build 15 mark IV marines for my 30k blood angels 100 1
@Edca Paint 10 firewarriors 3 0
@Rhace Goal this month is to finish 5 blood knights 100 0
@Albert Do anything, literally anything, other than play Rust AND ALSO paint a Harpy 100 0
@floudie Two war walkers and another warlock skyrunner for me! 0 0
@BaconChancellor 20 Genestealers Battle Ready, assemble 1 Trygon, Prime 10 Gargoyles 100 0
@TheTinker13 a unit of 10 intercessors to parade ready standard. 33 0
@TheRealHughMann 7 painted and based meganobs anf 30 painted and based ork boyz 0 0

May 2021

  • 14
  • 2
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse My May goal is to build and paint an armiger, paint the objective marker for Maypoc and finish all the swag bag stuff 100 9
@solofiredfirst Paint Maypoc objective marker, assemble&prime 2x Manticore and 1x Deathstrike 100 7
@normanthesquid Prime, Green, and Copper on the Apoc things i built last month; Necron Power Generator(s) Painted; Prep Army for transit; Host Maypoc 100 6
@caveman For May, I need to repair and touch up a trukk for maypoc, and then there is a big resin guy that I want to get cleaned up... 100 5
@wilsonwy Gavin's Ghostkeel and a Purgation Squad 100 5
@aThornbury May goal is: Finish 10 chaos marines, warpsmith, vindicator tank. List helbrute, forgefiend, terminators on ebay 100 4
@RustyW For May ill be doing one venom crawler, one Obliterater and 10 cultist. 67 4
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S May goal is to get 2 remora drones and a commander to battle ready. Then assemble all of blackstone fortress for maypoc. Adding on 5 breachers to battle ready as well. 100 4
@Ed My goal will be to finish the Phantom Titan before Maypoc. 100 3
@vee Paint pariah nexus 3d printed terrain 100 3
@Heinzz My goal is to paint 1 Deathcompany Dreadnought and one of our maypoc objectives. 100 2
@Hause My may goal is to 3 color my warlord's main weapons and the missile launchers 100 2
@Rhace For May I will do at least 4 of the heroes from Cursed City 0 2
@Mortrid My may goal is to finish my Bloodthirster and 1 other Greater Daemon before Maypoc. 100 2
@Albert Do literally anything other than play Rust -97 0
@197mmCannon -finish maypoc objectives. -finish basing for two flyers, one leviathan, one telemon. -finish basing my harlequins / drukhari that have been sitting on my table unfinished for a year. -paint my slaanesh shadespire warband. 100 0
@GoldenSupreme For this month I'm going to paint two telemon dreadnoughts. 100 0

April 2021

  • 14
  • 2
Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Completely finish painting my Asterius. Build, magnitize, and paint 6 Kastelan Robots. 100 8
@solofiredfirst 1x Vendetta painted, 2x Valkyrie painted, Scions that are painted magnetized (30x infantry, 3x Tempestor Prime) 100 6
@normanthesquid Assemble 3 Gladiators. Assemble 3 Storm Speeders. Assemble 1 Land Raider Redeemer, if it gets delivered in time. Assemble 2 Stalkers, if they get delivered in time. Finalize Fundapocalypse Datasheets (Necrons + any new releases since the last pass). Stretch Goal: Prime and 3-color base anything that gets assembled in time. 100 5
@caveman My hobby goal for April is to get more than 400 apoc PL of Orks finished and at least 2 Maypoc generatrons finished 100 4
@wilsonwy My hobby goal for April is to get the 3 stone buildings painted up for my forest board. 100 4
@aThornbury Battle Ready 10 Cultists. Prep/Prime Vindicator. Prep/Prime Helbrute. Finish Helbrute Base. Build/Prep/Prime 10 marines. Prep forgefiend, helbrute, 8 terminators for sale. 100 3
@RustyW my last rhino and maybe a master of possessions painted up if my plastic and paint ever show up 100 3
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S Build and Prime: 1 dimacheron. 1 heirodule. 12 hormagaunts. 1 tyrannocyte. 3 zoanthropes. Battle ready paint: 2 tyrants 100 3
@Ed I am going to paint the Revenant Titan and finish painting 10 Grey Knight terminators 100 2
@vee Ok paint pariah nexus terrain, assemble and prime Elucidian Starstriders 100 2
@Heinzz my goals are to paint (battleready minimum) 20 Death Company 100 1
@Edca Magnetize Models for transport. Magnetize Warhound Weapons / Torso. Build Lascannon Havocs. Basecoat all models currently built. 33 1
@Hause Gonna focus on painting the warlord armor plates/little bits and getting everything attached. 100 1
@Rhace Paint Verminlord Warpseer 100 1
@Mortrid 50x Bloodletters (Battle Ready), 7x Screamers (Battle Ready), 3x Nurglings (Battle Ready), Lord of Change sub-assembly base coated & enabled for full-assembly, 1 Greater Demon (Battle Ready) 100 1
@Albert Do literally anything other than play Rust -50 0

March 2021

Handle Goal Progress Consecutive (to date)
@Enderverse Smaller goals this month since I'm going to be unable to hobby for half of it. Get my Asterius Knight completely cleaned (all pieces clipped out and sanded as well as in the ultrasonic bath) and also get half of it built. 100 7
@solofiredfirst Assemble base and prime 10 metal catachans. Adding to my hobby goal this month is deploying the new hobby tracking pages. 100 5
@normanthesquid Battle ready (minus bases) on the 3 Astraeuseses 100 4
@caveman I want to finish the paintjobs on my Stompa, Battlefortress, Killtank, a gunwagon, 15 tankbustas, and a shokkjump dragsta 100 3
@wilsonwy My hobby goal for this month is to get my second Chaplain painted up. 100 3
@aThornbury - Build and prime and battle ready 5 warp talons - painting the lord in terminator armour - Get 15 bases done - Prep and Prime 10 cultists - Battle ready 5 Havocs 100 2
@RustyW One Lord of Virulence, another Foul Blightspawn and a Chaos Rhino for march. 100 2
@G_O_B_L_I_N_S 3 Carnifexes? 100 2
@Ed Assemble Revenant Titan 100 1
@vee My hobby goal is to paint killzone sector sanctoris i completed feb goal of a raider with crew 100 1
@Albert Do anything other than play Rust 0 0
@Heinzz mines kind of boring. Goal is to assemble 40 Lumineth Wardens, 20 Sentinels and the endless spells for the Lumineth 100 0
@Hunger Weird goal, but I want to hobby four nights for at least 2 hours, total of 8 hours. 100 0
@Hause i think my march goal is to finish the stuff i didnt finish in february, and also add all the little detail bits to the warlord body (My Feb goal is arm joints, arm weapons/shoulder weapons assembled for the warlord) 100 0
@Rhace 5 Rattos? 100 0
@Mortrid assemble remaining bloodletters, bloodthirster, and lady of arcana, and paint my first model with my airbrush 100 0
@LordChumbeley I’d like to assemble and prime Judiciar 0 0

February 2021

Please refer to the February 2021 tab in the deprecated Google Doc.

January 2021

  • 9
  • 8
Please refer to the January 2021 tab in the deprecated Google Doc.

December 2020

Please refer to the December 2020 tab in the deprecated Google Doc.

November 2020

  • 9
  • 1
Please refer to the November 2020 tab in the deprecated Google Doc.


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